DreamWeaver 8 Questions

27 Jan 2005
I'm a newbie at this so forgive my stupid questions:

1) Could you recomend me a book on HTML or Dreamweaver 8.

2) How do I turn off the CSS. At the moment I just want to get to grips with HTML - So I want fonts, backgrounds etc to be HTML not CSS and I need to know how to switch that off in Dreamweaver 8...I will learn CSS soon, but I want to take steps not leaps.

3) Testing server. Okay, my PC is also a games machine, and am using my ISP's webspace for my webmaking learning before I buy proper webspace. Now I know that you can set up testing servers on your own pc or elsewhere, so what do you recomend? Do I do it on the server allocated me to my isp because that's also the mainsite, and I don't want to have to install PHP, Apache stuff and MYsql orwhatever and have that on my pc taking up valuable resources.

If you understand that I'll give you a medal lol.

1) WS3 Schools, forget Dreamweaver 8
2) just don't use CSS, use pure HTML .. np.
3) use your ISP webspace until you've outgrown it ... you can design things there. but email addresses, forget it. you need your own server space. I recommend Vidahost, but that's me .. and I'm not affiliated with them ... just had great support. If you want MySQL / PHP then best is to have your own little server space. Check OChostreview.
1) WS3 Schools, forget Dreamweaver 8
2) just don't use CSS, use pure HTML .. np.
3) use your ISP webspace until you've outgrown it ... you can design things there. but email addresses, forget it. you need your own server space. I recommend Vidahost, but that's me .. and I'm not affiliated with them ... just had great support. If you want MySQL / PHP then best is to have your own little server space. Check OChostreview.

sound advice, learning coding forget WYSIWYG mode for now :)

good luck...

remember patience is the key...
Atomic said:
I'm a newbie at this so forgive my stupid questions:

1) Could you recomend me a book on HTML or Dreamweaver 8.

2) How do I turn off the CSS. At the moment I just want to get to grips with HTML - So I want fonts, backgrounds etc to be HTML not CSS and I need to know how to switch that off in Dreamweaver 8...I will learn CSS soon, but I want to take steps not leaps.

CSS cannot be turned off it is a function in dreamweaver that you either use or don't use.

If you have your properties box on display you will see the HTML options for formatting text:

Atomic said:
3) Testing server. Okay, my PC is also a games machine, and am using my ISP's webspace for my webmaking learning before I buy proper webspace. Now I know that you can set up testing servers on your own pc or elsewhere, so what do you recomend? Do I do it on the server allocated me to my isp because that's also the mainsite, and I don't want to have to install PHP, Apache stuff and MYsql orwhatever and have that on my pc taking up valuable resources.

Do it on your free webspace is the easiest option, you can then look at it on other computers (i.e friends and family) to see how it looks on different setups
If all you're playing with to begin with is static html (i.e. no databases / php / etc) then you don't even need a webserver - you can just open the file from your hard drive with your web browser and it will appear exactly as it should do.

Forget about dreamweaver until you know the basics, otherwise you'll be tempted to let it do all the work for you which isn't a good way to learn.

Get yourself a decent free text editor and use that (see the sticky for details, my personal fave is notepad++).

As suggested, see www.w3schools.com for some decent tutorials which should get you up to speed in no time for standard xhtml.
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