dremel a-like

I would get one like this just for little jobs, polishing etc.

Got a proper £60 (:() Dremel that just does not see enough proper use for the price, can cut a Cheiffy case easily so its fine.

Oh and gramma nazi innit.
I have two A*'s at GCSE does not mean I know how to spelt things like.

I have had bad past experiences with dodgey dremel rip offs, but for small tasks they are usually perfectly fine.
welshtom said:
Everything, I think it struggled on steel cases though.

Was just my experiences with cheap dremels thats all.

Dremels are expensive for a reason


Because they're trading on the name. Just like Dyson and Bose.
Anyway if you're cutting steel use a jigsaw, then finish off with the hobby drill.
squiffy said:
Because they're trading on the name. Just like Dyson and Bose.
Anyway if you're cutting steel use a jigsaw, then finish off with the hobby drill.

cheers for the tip :o

dont suppose you want my job as well? you;ve got all the answers :), i mod cases for a living lol
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Dremels aren't even that dear, i got mine brand new but unboxed for £35 from ebay :) . There was a tool store on there selling quite a few. I also got an 175 piece accessory kit for £25 to go with it and got free delivery on the second item. Cheap tools are false economy usually and will burn out far quicker than the more expensive tool. It'll be OK for small jobs though as mentioned.

Bought a dremel, blew up and spat a chunk of metal from inside, went to a hardware shop for another but got a "Proxxon" one instead. apparently better, was cheaper than the dremel too.

I brought a really cheap 'Dremel-a-like' (TM) from a mail order electronics store, and it's pants!!

It just had no torque, but is ok for polishing. Polishing what exactly, I'm not sure....

I'd given up on the concept of Dremels, but then borrowed my mates, and it was a different animal!! Cut through my cases like butter!

If that one from Netto is powerful enough though, it's a bargain.

How much power do Dremels have?
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