Originally posted by Tag Bartok
80mg is the max legal blood alcohol limit. 35mg is the max legal breath alcohol limit. There is no safe limit to what you can drink as there are too many variables. Your height, weight, physical condition, diet. A friend who works at a forensic science lab told me that the ideal way to beat the breath test would be to be 4 feet tall weighing 20 stone, physically very fit and to have eaten two pounds of mashed potato just before entering the pup. Such a person would contain about twenty pints of blood so the alcohol would be more diluted. A fit person can metabolize and get rid of alcohol quicker than an unfit person. The mashed potato would slow down the alcohol passing from the stomach into the bloodstream. If you fit this description then take the risk but it is still a risk. Your drinking habits also matter. An occasional/moderate drinker may get drunk faster but be clear of alcohol sooner than a ten pint a night every night drinker. Beer and spirits get into your blood at different rates as well.
Maybe you are Joe average who drinks on an empty stomach and still feels ****** in the morning. If so don't even look at your car if you love yourself, your driving licence and reasonably affordable insurance cover. That's forgetting the risk to others while you're driving. Remember as well if you are a driver involved in an accident, regardless of blame you may be required to take a breath test.
My mate went to pub on a Sunday night. He insists he only had three pints and was in bed by 11.30pm. He got up for work at 7am and wrecked his new Golf 1.8T on the M6 at 8.15am. He was lucky to be alive, so was the woman in the car he crashed into. What he didn't consider was the fact he had been to a stag night the previous Friday and a wedding on Saturday. He was three times over the limit. He got banned for 18 months, lost his job as rep as a result, couldn't pay his mortgage, lost his house and wife. He now has ten points on his licence which stay on for ten years and can just about afford to insure a six year old Ford Escort.
Sorry to go on so much.