Drink the nanny state!

Man of Honour
17 Oct 2002

A brewery has launched a low alcohol beer called Nanny State after being branded irresponsible for creating the UK's "strongest beer".

Scottish brewer BrewDog, of Fraserburgh, was criticised for Tokyo* which has an alcohol content of 18.2%.

BrewDog said it hoped the same critics would now congratulate it for producing the 1.1% alcohol content Nanny State.

I like the way these guys think :) What's the betting it gets ignored?

The country doesn't need the government making decisions for people, it is that culture that has got us into the social mess we are in now...
No matter what they say, Alcohol is a huge problem in Scotland. 66% of ambulances at the weekends are due to alcohol.

That's a problem with people, not with alcohol. You can't fix the issue without tackling the source of the problem.
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