Drive configuration advice

20 Mar 2006
Ok...getting some new stuff today, at some point in the next month I want to upgrade the hard drives. My old ones will just go into my media server.

I'm a fan of having a seperate drive for windows, and a bigger one for everything this a good idea, or should games and apps be on the same physical drive as windows?

Basically, for £100 or less, what would be a good option for new drives? I only need about 200GB
Thanks, I think I'll get a 250gb Seagate .10 (since £5 extra for 50gb), then in a few months when I can afford it I'll get a small WDR (or whatever is really fast by that time). At the moment I have windows on an 80gb maxtor sata much difference will there be between having that drive as my system drive as opposed to everything on the Seagate .10?
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