Drive 'gravelling' away quite happily...

2 Mar 2004
SE England
I've just built a new machine, using an Asus P5WDH Deluxe S775, E6400 and a brand new Seagate Sata 2 200gig drive.

However, despite all being new the hard drive 'gravels' a lot, grinding away to itself quite happily.

Is this common for new drives these days? I was always under the impression only dodgy drives did it. It seems to buffer and run alright....then again, anything would be an improvement over the old one.

Also - I'm totally new to the SATA world so is it caused by a setting or jumper that I've got in the wrong place?

Any ideas appreciated :)
I have a gig of memory installed. I haven't even looked at that yet :)

What are the best settings for initial and maximum size of the pagefile?/virtual memory :)

I'm sitting here and every few seconds it will click to itself (Steam re-downloading HL2 in the background, for example)
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