Drive problems

Man of Honour
17 Feb 2003
Last night I switched on the PC and the system was hanging on the Windows night rider bar??

I immediately tried booting into Safe mode but it the system just hung again.. Weird??

Then I noticed during the POST only one SATA drive was listed under the third party drives list. This fortunately was the drive where Windows sits but the other drive (Samsung Spinpoint 250) was missing.

So I unplugged the Samsung drive and rebooted and managed to get into Windows albeit it took a bit longer than normal. I’m assuming that the start-up applications and services where looking for programs and files which no longer existed?

I tried the drive in a different SATA port and power cable but still nothing.

Why would the system hang if the drive had failed, when it’s not the primary windows partition?

Is there anyway anyone can think of retrieving the data from the drive. I have backups from a week ago thankfully but could do with checking for most recent files.

I'm going to buy a new drive and RMA the old one.. Could do with a spare SATA drive floating around.


I've had similar myself when a drive fell out of the array(I had a Raid0 array that was secondary to a single boot drive) and the system would either not boot or take much longer to boot. The only thing I could think of what that the drive was getting to the stage of almost being initialised but bios couldn't quite manage it although it wasn't willing to stop trying or something along those lines.
wizardmaxx said:
Boot into windows and hot plug the sata in. Go into device manager and scan for hardware changes. Look under hard disk and hopefully it will be there.

I tried that but failed to find it...

It's not coming up in the list during the POST..

It used to list both drives, but it only lists the Raptor drive I have.

The HDD utility from samsung is corrupted :confused:
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