Drive size problem

28 Jan 2005
Just bought a Seagate 7200.10, the 320Gb flavour.

Now, I know that the size will be based on 1000Mb=1Gb, not 1024Mb=1Gb, but when I hook this drive up, XP is showing it as 298Gb - surely it should be about roughly 312Gb as 1000/1024*320 doesn't come to 298!

Any ideas?
Fair enough then. Guess I should have thought of that. I tell ya every time I upgrade I always feel cheated out of those extra Gb :(

Never mind, it's a lot more storage than I've got just now!

And here's another question for rpstewart (since you seem to be the expert around here!)

If I'm putting a separate partition for the XP swapfile, should it be right at *** start of the drive and then the Xp partition after? Will XP install ok if I set it up like that (I presume I can choose partition during the install.)
Or the other way round with XP partition then swapfile partition?

Thinking of these partitions
XP (50Gb)
Swapfile (3Gb)
Games (40Gb-ish)
Docs (50Gb-ish)
Music, video & photos (the rest)

Sound ok?
Thanks guys.

I've not yet decided if I'll carry forward any of my current 3x40Gb drives (one is dying, but can't work out which :( - hence the new drive.) If I do I'll put the swapfile on that, otherwise I guess it's a case of install XP, turn off swap file, defrag, turn on swap file again.....?

So does this sound better?
XP, swapfile and apps (50Gb)
Games (40Gb)
Docs etc (the rest)

I quite like the idea of the games on a separate partition purely from the point of view of not having to worry about all the savegames etc getting wiped on a reinstall (don't mind having to reinstall the actual games tho.) Or not worth it?
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