I can't see how making it even harder for people to pass at the moment will help, it will just put even more uninsured drivers with no license on the roads.
I'd rather get hit by a muppet with insurance, than someone with nothing!
Restrictions would need to be sensible, perhaps nothing over 200bhp til you've had 3 years driving experience (I don't why people say over 25, as surely experience is what people need). But don't restrict people to crappy 75bhp tin boxes, they are dangerous as it takes years to overtake anyone.
Being 19 and owning a 140bhp car myself (all insured in my name before anyone starts) you can see why I wouldn't support that. But in my opinion I drive carefully, even more so than I did in my old 70bhp tinbox. Perhaps I felt I had something to prove, but when you have to keep your foot to the floor to go anywhere it doesn't really teach you much about car control.
Plus I know young drivers do cause accidents, but what about everyone else? How do you improve their driving, I've seen a hell of a lot of old people doing crazy things. (Had an old guy reverse on to a busy roundabout the other week, and another drive along the pavement to avoid a roundabout nearly taking a signpost out on the way
I just think that young drivers already get enough stick, we pay ****loads for insurance on anything, and get the blame for any accident anywhere.
All these restrictions would have to apply to anyone at any age after passing their test, I don't care if you are over 25 you can still be a muppet.
Lastly wouldn't a good start be to actually enforce the current system?
So many people drive without a licence or insurance, tax and mot. If you got them off the roads you've already freed up some space and reduced insurance costs as they no longer have to pay for uninsured accidents.
Don't add more regulations, if you can't enforce them!