Driving a 24" 1920x1200 display from an MB/MBP?

23 Jan 2004
Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK
Alright guys,

I'm looking at getting either a MacBook or MacBook Pro sometime soon and was wondering how capable they would be of driving a 1920x1200 display (possibly running high def video in full screen while I work on the laptop display)?

Any personal experiences of doing this would be greatly appreciated.

I can speak from experience of a 15" MBP driving a Dell 2407WFP 24" screen but I couldn't tell you what the performance might be like with full-screen video. It seemed to cope okay with a few trailers I downloaded and the occasional quick mooch around WoW but your mileage may vary depending on what you're doing.

I'd think of the two the MBP would be the more capable but that's not to say the MB wouldn't handle the task, just that I haven't tried it myself.
I should think the macbook would be fine too, I have a macbook running a 1680 x 1050 monitor and that is one of the old macbooks with rubbish gfx and 2 ghz processor.
I will see if i can try it out later as I have recently got a macbook so i should be able to plug into my samsung monitor (1920x1200) which is connected to my pc. ;)

I have used the mac playing dvds on a 19inch monitor (1440x900) no problems at all. :)
Cheers, sounds like it might be doable then.

I can't live without FireWire but now the 13" MacBook (now Pro) has FireWire again that could be a good shout.

Thanks again.
just to let u know.

my white macbook ( 2 years old now i think)
2.2 core 2 duo
4GB ram
Intel GFX plays 1080p fine on my 1920x1200 (hp lp2475w )
just don't buy a mini-dvi to VGA cable like I did.

the back of my 1900x1200 monitor has a DVI and VGA port. I bought the VGA cable so I wouldnt have to plug/unplug all the time.

The problem is...the macbook won't display 1900x1200 in full screen using VGA.

Make sure you get mini-dvi to dvi!
Just to sum up:

VGA = 1600x1200
DVI = 1900x1200
Dual link DVI = crazy big
And also to add, as far as I know the white macbook uses a Mini-DVI connection while the aluminum macbook uses the Mini Display port.

Just one thing to watch out for. ;)
Just to sum up:

VGA = 1600x1200
DVI = 1900x1200
Dual link DVI = crazy big

Cheers for clearing this up EVH, I knew the limitations of VGA but that answers another question I'd have further down the line RE: whether I'd need the dual-link adapter.

All sounds pretty promising. I was thinking about replacing my desktop as well as my laptop this summer but if I can run everything on the 24" as well as the MacBook screen I can probably do without.

Re: the Mini-DisplayPort on the Alu MBP, I assume an adapter's available for me to hook up via DVI?
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