Driving in France anything specific i need to know?

23 Nov 2004
We are driving to Montpellier in August and i am basically looking for any information regarding laws etc.

Is there anything specific we need for the car [somebody on another forum mentioned spare bulb kits etc]. Are there any laws i should be aware of eg speed limits etc?

Anyone driven a similar route?

triangle, Hi-viz jacket, fire estinquisher (however you spell it) beam deflectors.
there is a couple off the top of my head, think you need first aid kit aswell.
130km in the dry 110km in the wet on autoroutes.
I went faster did get flashed by a camera and never heard anything about it, was easy doing a ton, which is easy done on the nice smooth motorways over there.

Things to remember:

- You need a Spare Bulb Kit, 2 Warning Triangles, High-Glow Vests (or is this just Spain?) and a spare set of specs if you wear them (this might also be Spain only)
- Tolls are massive, especially if you drive near Paris
- Speed limit on motorways is 130KMH in the drive but drops to 110KHM when it rains. It is at this point the police come out in force.
- If you get caught, you can get your licence confiscated... useful to have a spare driver.
- You MUST have your V5 or equiv as you must carry proof of ownership.
- On some B Roads, people joining can have right of way!

I recommend the haynes guide on driving abroad, gives you a lot of useful info.

To be honest, driving in France is much more fun then driving here. If you have the time.... get off the motorways and enjoy the country.

As for the stuff we took, we had all our car documents, hi vis jacket, warning triangle, headlight adjustment things, spare bulb kit, a jerry can and a toolkit :)
I drove to Montpellier last year. Was a complete dive, drove on to Narbonne and it was better :)

We are going to the coast Portiragnes-Plage but Montpellier was the nearest town i thought people would have heard of. Mappy says its 14 hours,is that about right?

LOL last time I was in Montpellier I had the front end taking off my hire car.

If you see a bus hide. :p


Ouch thats not good, bus drivers are the same Europewide at least!
It has probably got to be the most cultural cities in the area. :confused: I can recommend Carcassonne :)

My mate lives and works Roquebrun the lucky git, hour from Montpellier.

I'm just basing my opinion on the beach we were at. Full of french ***** equivalents and needles in the sand :o

Mappy says its 14 hours,is that about right?

Yeh that's about right. We drove back from there to Calais in about 9 hours though :)
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