Driving theory test!

20 Jun 2005
Got it this coming Saturday at 10:30AM. Im well worried. All i have read is a book on the highway code. I'm mostly worried about hazard and perception.

does anyone have revision tips etc? Any useful websites for H&P? I can't find nowt.

Thanks a lot. ;)
Don't worry, hazard perception is easy I allways just clicked a maxiumum of 4 clicks ever time there was a potentual hazard and a developing hazard. That got me 73/75 on my hazard perception.
When I was studing upto my theory test I mainly revised the theory part and allowed my self a week before my theory test for the hazard perception.

Tip: Eat a banana or 2 before you goto the test it helps keep nervs at bay and also helps concentration.

Ah, the ol' bannana is great before any exam, been doing it since my SAT's ages back...

As for the actual theory, do you think reading the highway code is enough?
The book is virtually useless im afraid, you can't go wrong with the official dsa pc-dvd, you can do the exact theory test on your computer, it is the same layout and the 1200 exact questions used at random in the actual theory test. There's graphs to monitor your performance over time etc. and the hazard perception test is built in for you to do which again is the same layout as the actual.

It is invaluable and with just a few tests of each, or a few hours if you can manage it you will be ready for the theory.

It's 9.99 I think, make sure you get the latest version, dont buy 2nd hand, it's a lot cheaper than the price of a theory test if you need to retake. ;)
Do plenty of practice or mock theory tests. As for the hazard perception, I only ever touched it for a total of 1 hours, and that was 03:00 in the morning, 5 hours before my test which was at 08:00. Still passed. :)
Thanks for all the links. I haven't got any CD roms, just one DVD which the DSA sent me along with confirmation of my booking..
Yeah I got that DVD aswell, just tells you what happens when you go into the test centre etc.

Just keep practising

See if you can pick up the theory cd roms from a shop they are really good and I think they are better than books.
Purchased a CD- ROM from the internet last night...should come tommorow, which should give me enough time :). Keep your fingers crossed for me!
Triad2000 said:
I bet the stopping distances questions will turn up.

i didnt get anything about stopping distances, the questions are usually something daft like:

a driver annoys you, what should you do:

A - Scream obscenites at them
B - Hurl bricks at them
C - Scream obscenities and hurl bricks at them
D - Remain calm

well... not quite that bad but you get the idea

toucan crossing - two things can cross :D helped me remember (toucan - two can)
Triad2000 said:
I bet the stopping distances questions will turn up.

I remember that i could not learn these at all! Roughly 30 mins before my theory i was in my mams office and we had a look on the net for what they were to try and stick them in my head. While i was there the only 1 i could remember was 60 metres, lo and behold come test time, What is the stopping distance for 60 metres? (Score! :D )

Really all the questions are common sense, just remember if someone is in a crash and appears to be in shock don't give them a cigarette! Oh and pour cool liquids over burns.
gam3r said:
Got it this coming Saturday at 10:30AM. Im well worried. All i have read is a book on the highway code. I'm mostly worried about hazard and perception.

does anyone have revision tips etc? Any useful websites for H&P? I can't find nowt.

Thanks a lot. ;)

You didn't think to buy the books and DVD? I did and got 35/35 and 65/70 :)
Ok I am just about to pootle off to work for a couple of hours before my test, ive benn getting no lower than 33 in the multi choice in practice (ive never got below 34 in the real things mind) and I have scored at least 3 on all the clips i have practiced on.

I hope I pass this time because I want to get the practical sorted out before I am 18 and I dont want to pay yet another £21 test fee to take the car one a 3rd time when ive alraedy passed it once for my bike test.

I went in last time thinking, "oh well ive done it once it will be a sinch" gave me a false sense of confidence and it showed in the fact i didnt pass.

I will update tomorrow with how I get on :)
Triad2000 said:
I bet the stopping distances questions will turn up.

Hehe, I didn;t bother learning the stopping distances, I figured that I could get away with getting 1 or 2 of them wrong & still pass.

First question to pop up, "At 50 mph in normal conditions, what is the stopping distance......." :p

Still passed, 32/35 & 64/75 on hazard perception.

My instructor gave me a tip for the hazard perception, click twice when you spot a hazard as sometimes you may spot it before they think you should have ;)

One of my hazard perception clips was hilarious, the car was driving down this small residential street & this bright white horse came bolting out of a junction! *click* *click* :D
thats a good point Bri which many dont think about.

some people are very good at spotting hazards and would click too early for the program to realise.

isnt it something like - click when you see the potential hazard, click when you need to take action because of the hazard (be it slow down or move), click when past the hazard?
Hope its going well for you lukechad. My CD's didn't turn up today, so im guesing they should be here by tommorow. Im only really worried about H&P now..
Do the test on the DVLAs website, they are the questions you will get in the test, trust me on that as i done the one on the DVLAs site then an hour later about 10 of them popped up on the real thing.

The hazzard perception is not that bad treally, its just common sense, once you see somethign that is a potential danger, a kid with a ball, a lorry pulling into a junction a bit fast then click the mouse, then if the problem goes further ie the lorry actually pulls out and the car you are in has to react then click again.

Finally, go in calm and confident, and good luck.
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