Drove just under 400 miles to meet my new mate "Dave"

18 Oct 2002
"Sunny" Plymouth
Went to pick "Dave" up from a guy who lives 169 miles away, according to the postcode he put in his address details anyway, unfortunately the postcode he gave me was a location about 20 miles away from where he actually was! Which made following my printed route plan a bit pointless :(

So after lots of stopping at village post offices and asking silly questions, i got to the farm where "Dave" was waiting for me, loaded him into the van and headed home. I've took plenty of pics, now i just need to find my card reader, gah!

Oh, say hello "Dave"

Can anybody guess the clever method i used to name him ? ;)
It's not a generator, it's an engine. I need to add an alternator to the setup to make it into a genset. Lister engines are built to last, not like the rattly things that you get these days.


The black sooty hole is the exhaust outlet, the grey lever is part of the starting system, you turn the engine over until you think it's fast enough, then flick the lever over to drop the valves into place to let the engine fire.

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