Drove just under 400 miles to meet my new mate "Dave"

Must be more DB related dodgyness, wonder when we'll be allowed to put some money in for a shiney server? :confused:

As for the smell, i live between two fryer based establishments already, i'm wondering how much oil i need to burn before anybody actually notices! :D
You must really use a lot of electricity to make any kind of saving though. Our electric bill is About £30 a month.
Veggie oil.!! Pftt i saw a V20 engine today running on methane! it was kicking out 950kw and 1300 amps per phase @1500rpm, flippin noisy when walking next to it even with ear protectors on and the size of the turbo :eek: Huge..
SB are you going fully off grid or will you be selling excess back to them?

Just having returned to a diesel car, I've been thinking about turning to biodiesel (any pointers?)
The output will be solely for my own use, going to be a while before i upgrade to anything that will actually produce excess current for me to sell on!

As for biofuel, look over in my biofuels thread for the method i use.
austinpowers said:
Veggie oil.!! Pftt i saw a V20 engine today running on methane! it was kicking out 950kw and 1300 amps per phase @1500rpm, flippin noisy when walking next to it even with ear protectors on and the size of the turbo :eek: Huge..

yes tell me about the noise, we had 6 v16 96 litre twin turbo cat diesel's running at full load at 1000rpm when i was at work they were noisy

each was rated at 1000hp cont. or 600 kw

btw they used 50 gals imp /hour each on load eeek
SB. Just read you biofuels thread. Very impressed. I am an (ex)marine engineer and am familiar with good 'ol lister. Particularly good for lifeboat engines. Anyhow I digress.

I was going to ask, have you thought of using an old lubricating oil purifier? (disk stack centrifugal) With a seperate tank and recirculation, you should be able to ramp to production of your bio-fuel. Not sure how you would get hold of a purifier (alfa laval make the best), but perhaps you could source from a ship scrap merchant.

anyway, just a thought. Hope all goes well with Lister, she's a beauty.

Been doing some digging to decipher the engine code, turns out this engine was made in 1975 :eek: 30 years on a Lister? Hell, the damn thing is barely run in! :D

As for filtering, i'm using simple cold filtering, yes it takes a while to get the oil through the finer grades, but it does ensure good cold weather starting. Now i've got Dave, i might hot filter the stuff that gets caught in the mesh, it's going into a heated fuel system, so high melting point fats won't be a problem.
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Do you live in a built up area? What about the noise this thing makes? Also the veg oil you use, if where not getting it free all this wouldn't work out much cheaper at all.

Take into account all the time running around, time wasted etc. It would be safer to just run of the mains like everyone else. Now i am not saying this is a bad idea at all, far from it infact. But what is the point in all this? Is it for the times when oil is well in the $200 a barrel mark and when we are all having energy problems, which means problems supplying electric?
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If i didn't have a source of cheap fuel, this project wouldn't be viable, but i do, so it is. After some good filtering, these engines will even run on used sump oil, i'd like to see the source of THAT dry up ;)

Time running around & wasted? i prefer to call that research ;) The point? It'll save us a few quid, it will provide heating that doesn't cause massive damp problems & i get to learn about working with old iron. Win/win all round really.

edit/ i covered the noise thing on page 1 or 2, forget which.
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