LOL the sheer nerve of this post calling me ignorant! Firstly if it will yield no return then what's the point of doing it at all? If there's no point doing it then why price gouge the existing drug?
Secondly, yes I do think a private investor is going to throw boat-loads of cash at pharmaceutical R&D - what do you think shareholders are?
Thirdly, like it or not loans are typically how R&D projects are funded. Fundamental to this is the concept of risk, the risk that the R&D project doesn't result in a viable product at the end. This is why big pharaceutical companies have the advantage because they have the means to undertake multiple R&D projects and it's extremely unlikely that all will fail, your product that does become viable is how you repay your loans. This is why GlaxoSmithKline's total debts in 2014 reached $32bn.
Basic Business 101 for wildman over - lol.
Utter codswallop - government's don't do pharmaceutical research because they aren't and shouldn't be concerned with the design and manufacture of drugs - they should concentrate on running their country. They do fund research (as do charities), but they get people with the proper expertise to do it and rightly so. Saving and improving lives is the goal of pharmaceutical eco-system - I've certainly never said pharmaceutical companies shouldn't be allowed to make a profit, but I don't believe they should be allowed to make a profit by buying the rights to ancient, cheap drugs then putting up the price because it's "undervalued compared to other life-saving medicine".