Drum Hardware. Help!

26 Dec 2004
I want drum hardware, to supe up my kit,

for starters bassdrum feet, if possible, novelty ones?

novelty drum hardware help me search for some!

NOVELTY drum hardware?

like pink frilly bits?

i dont think kits really need novelty items, but a nice kick reso head would be a good start.

the fins has an awesome one (as can be seen in our video on myspace)
Novelty hardware? Bah. More money than sense. You need more cymbals. More cymbals man! Always more cymbals!!! ;)
i cant link to the site because itl be a competitor but the ultimate novelty drum sounds come from those "air" drums . the sticks you wave like a drum stick and they make a sound

get some ! best toy ever , rhythm sticks theyre called in some shops
Scam said:
Novelty hardware? Bah. More money than sense. You need more cymbals. More cymbals man! Always more cymbals!!! ;)

i think neoni is a gurl.

this is what you need, customised drum skin.

lozza23_uk said:
i think neoni is a gurl.

That would explain the wanting to add tassles and other rubbish then :o ;)

Agreed on the custom bass drum skin. Definately a good choice
Novelty drum items not cheap ass ones, expensive such as stcik holders, drum feet, cymbal locks etc.
actually nevermind ive nearly totalled up 200 quid tonight on drum equipment :) pictures to come!
Scam said:
Novelty hardware? Bah. More money than sense. You need more cymbals. More cymbals man! Always more cymbals!!! ;)

More Paiste cymbals! I can never have too much Paiste :D

jackgnic said:
Why spend the money on novelty gear when you could treat yourself to some stunning DW 9000 series hardware! :)

Or get the Pearl/Tama top end stuff for half the price, but same features? :p

(not-so-ninja edit - spelt Paiste wrong, too early in the morning)
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Dave said:
More Pasite cymbals! I can never have too much Paiste :D

Or get the Pearl/Tama top end stuff for half the price, but same features? :p

speakith the truth on the hardware.

not really a pasite man, although do have a sig mellow 21" paiste ride.
lozza23_uk said:
speakith the truth on the hardware.

not really a pasite man, although do have a sig mellow 21" paiste ride.

Noice :cool:

My Paiste's at the mo are:
8" 2oo2 bell (had to have it custom made as they discontinued them)
8"/10"/11" 2oo2 splash
14" 2oo2 medium hi hats
16"/17" 2oo2 crash
18" 2oo2 china
20" giant beat
21" sig dark full ride

Planning on getting a mini-china (12" or 14" 2oo2), another ride (24" 2oo2) and another crash. (18" 2oo2) What can I say, I love Paiste 2oo2 cymbals :o
thats a lot :)

cant even remember all mine. mixture of k customs, k custom darks, a customs, and some sabian AAX 13" fusion hihats. ahh a sabian china as well.

let me think.

6" zilbel
8" paiste 808 (i think) splash
10" a custom splash
10" paiste 505 splash (cheapo)
12" paiste rude splash
15" a custom (cracked grr )
16" a custom
16" k custom fast
16" sabian AAX
17" a custom projection
17" k custom dark
18" k custom dark (cracked :mad: :mad: )
18" sabian aax china
20" a custom (ooooh yeah baby!)
21" paiste mellow sig ride
22" paiste something ride

think thats about it. obviously not all used at the same time :)
most of the paistes came from a shop i used to work in, swapped wages fr cymbals, and they only ever had paiste :)
normally just 3 crashes, and possibly zilbel and china. depends what I am playing/recording really.
next I want some k custom dark hats.
jackgnic said:
I'm sure you'd say different if it was about novelty guitars! :p

Why spend the money on novelty gear when you could treat yourself to some stunning DW 9000 series hardware! :)

:) I'd probably suggest they ask on a guitar forum instead.
i play a gretsch.

and im not listing all the hardware, and beaters, and effects cymbals i used, as its getting too long haha!
Neoni said:
i play a gretsch.

Renown wasn't it? Fellow Gretsch owner here . . .

I must say when I was thinking of buying a high end kit I was always thinking Tama Starclassic / Pearl Masters, but after buying my Catalina Birch (fantastic kit for the price, sound a lot better than the Pearl BRX's in the shop . . .) I'm really tempted to go for a Gretsch USA Custom when I next buy a kit.
Dave said:
Renown wasn't it? Fellow Gretsch owner here . . .

I must say when I was thinking of buying a high end kit I was always thinking Tama Starclassic / Pearl Masters, but after buying my Catalina Birch (fantastic kit for the price, sound a lot better than the Pearl BRX's in the shop . . .) I'm really tempted to go for a Gretsch USA Custom when I next buy a kit.

my next kit is definately something along the masters, thats if i dont get an edorsement before hand by gretsch hehe!

after you have a nice gretsch like that you dont need another kit for years.

i certainly wont need one for a while.
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