
23 Dec 2002
Shiny Shanghai
...or whatever !!

Who here is throbbing with excitement at the prospect of Monday's unveiling of the DS restyling ??

I thought it would just be an announcement of the fact they're going to be doing it, but my friend says its gonna be the complete unveiling with pictures and everything.

Who else has heard what and where from ??
I'm quite interested to see what they come out with, I don't have one, but I have played my housemates + advance wars, and it's a great machine, just it feels quite a tacky plastic on it, compared to the PSP. Interesting to see if the design gets sexier :p
Just me and you interested in it by the looks of things :)

I honestly believe if they make it a sexy little beast, and they get plenty of units in stock, you could be looking at sales of over a million in the first week (in Japan)
They'll go absoloutley bonkers for it over there.
The only thing thats really stopping me from getting a DS is the fact it looks so cheap and plasticy. Had no idea they were planning to bring out a new design for it.
Ohhhhh i didnt know there was a revision coming out already.
I bought a US one before last christmas and recently sold it, but if they do a nice SP and mario kart cheap then i might get another
Some thoughts occuring to me while just having my shower :)

I know its needed redesigning from day 1, but will the new designs mimic the revolution styling ??
Will the revolution detect the new DS as a freestyle controller/pointer ??
How badly would you freak out (for good or bad) if the new design WAS the revolution controller (that flipped open obviously)

Looking forward to seeing the new design.. hopefully something more sleek and ergonomic.. its a bit too fugly toyish looking for public use and those corners half make my hand/thumb ache after short usage...
It was clear a re-design was on the cards, I just didn't expect it so soon. It is a tempting console to buy, purely for Mario Kart and Mario DS.

If it's nice enough I may get one should the bank allow it.
I'm not looking forward to the change. I've got an XBox 360 and can't see my better half being impressed with any talk of replacing the less than 1 yr old DS with a redesigned model. Think I'll be sitting this out :(
I bought my DS used for £40 so I'm definitely gonna get a remake. Would be nice if they had a built-in Play-yan or something so you can just stick your SD card in right away instead of buying the adapter separately. With built-in Play-Yan software and the cheap SD prices, I'm sure it would be a winner! Would be nice if it Pictochat was online-enabled and it had a bit of built-in memory or use the SD slot to allow you to stream some software to it using your Wi-fi, although I doubt this as it will probably make it easy for hackers and modders to develop 'forbidden stuff'.

The GBA/GBA SP has been redesigned to look sexier and more appealing to the casual user and I'm guessing this will be a similar type of move to entice those who think ''Hmm....Mario Kart DS rocks so much but I wouldn't be seen dead with one and much rather settle for a PSP''.

There was a some news recently that I linked on another thread about Nintendo DSs being sold out in Japan and they actually apologised on the Nintendo of Japan website :D and that they would work hard at producing more. Looks like good timing I guess!
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Not sure if I would purchase the remake unless it was more than just cosmetic changes, don't find much wrong with the DS as it is to be honest... Too busy playing the games to spend the time to look at the machine and wonder what to change
There's no chance I'd be able to get my hands on one; not unless I can flog my old one to my missus' bro...

Will have to wait and see what the DS 'SE' will bring before I splash out anyway.

RE: cheap and plasticky. I find the DS to be a solid bit of kit, not at all cheap and plasticky. In fairness, it looks more like a toy than the PSP, but it feels better and more solid to hold than the PSP, which IMO feels cheap and plasticky.
i'd actually buy one straight away. ASAP. saw this fan drawing of what it could look like, and i can only say that i hope this guy knows something we dont - looks sweet imo


this looks awesome too
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