DS Thread

3 Dec 2005
Ok so the other DS thread was lost and i couldnt find another so i thought id open a thread to talk about the DS.

The DS has reinvigorated gaming for me. I found myself stuck in the same rut of online FPS and RTS games ans wanted something different. When the DS was first anounced I thought it would be comercial suicide for nintendo. But after trying a friends, I was hooked.

Theres so many inovative games out there and theyre just fun, its that simple. To really get the most out of it however you really need to check out some of the crazy jap games that are truly bonkers.
I was the person who started the thread yesterday. Another question I have is, at the moment it is basically just a games machine. Is it likely to be able to do anyting else in the future? i.e. MP3 Player etc
bigdunc said:
I was the person who started the thread yesterday. Another question I have is, at the moment it is basically just a games machine. Is it likely to be able to do anyting else in the future? i.e. MP3 Player etc

I wouldn't have thought they would release anything other than games (Officially)
it can play video files and mp3's. you have to convert them though to a special format that it recognises, think its .gba or something.
You can buy an offical Nintendo device called 'Play-Yan' on import, which fits a GBA slot and takes an SD card. It plays movies and MP3s through your DS/GBA.
I love the DS, it's such a breath of fresh air compared to my X360. I'm looking forward to metroid prime hunters, PDA software and an RTS game.
After a sudden impulse buy on Friday, I'm now the proud owner of a Nintendo DS, with Mario Kart, Mario 64 DS and Sonic Rush, I'm thinking of getting Warioware Touched and I'm definately gonna get Advance Wars this week, and I'm considering importing Castlevania. What other games would you all recommend for some laughs?

Oh, and one last thing, is the DS completely region free? Including GBA carts? Thinking of grabbing FFIV.
DS is fantastic. I hardly play any games apart from a bit of old school Megadrive or SNES, but the DS games are spot on, exactly what I like:)
well my post was deleted...seems the mods are a alittle touchy in this place-nothing worse imo

anyway id reocmend advance wars, yoshi touch and go, wario, kirby, tony hawks. also check out the jap import games like quendan, diagasso and trauma centre (think you can get us import now)

also all ds games are region free

please feel free to delete this mods if it is anyway offensive...
TheGreatGrrrr said:
After a sudden impulse buy on Friday, I'm now the proud owner of a Nintendo DS, with Mario Kart, Mario 64 DS and Sonic Rush, I'm thinking of getting Warioware Touched and I'm definately gonna get Advance Wars this week, and I'm considering importing Castlevania. What other games would you all recommend for some laughs?

Oh, and one last thing, is the DS completely region free? Including GBA carts? Thinking of grabbing FFIV.

No need to import castlevania, it's out here. It is completely region free and I'd recommend getting viewtiful Joe, Metroid Prime Hunters and animal crossing, all out soon.

Kirby Canvas Curse > Yoshi Touch and Go.
Advance wars has me completly hooked at the moment, shame i'm crap at it :p

Warioware is a must have as well, games look silly, but damn it's hard to put down.
Just ordered a DS got Mario Kart, Nintendo Dogs (Yeah I'm a child at heart I want a doggy :p ) and importing Animal Crossing, can't wait :D
Never played animal crossing on GC but it looks like such a cool game had to order it.
Ive had it a while now been thinking of picking up tony hawks for it, anyone one got it and u would recomend it. :confused:
As I said before and will say again nintendo are tops for gameplay, Im still using my old cube which I have officially handed down to my son, Got the ds for the wife and she loves it, cant get her off kirby's power paintbrush she plays till the battery dies, considering getting a second hand one for myself, Only mistake I made was buying king kong, I only got it as it was on special for £15 but its a terrible game, you have been warned keep away... :)
Quite surprised at how much I play on the DS. Originally just got it for use when commuting but I seem to play it at home aswell :)

Mario Kart DS
Super Mario 64 DS
Need For Speed: Most Wanted
Sonic Rush

Still to be delivered/opened:
Project Rub
Viewtiful Joe Double Trouble
Yoshi's Touch & Go
Trace Memory: Another Code
Trauma: Under The Knife (think that's what it is called)
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tony hawks if you like that sort of game, is one of the best of the serie. the cell shaded gfx go really well.

trauma is nuts! totally brilliant and original
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