DS Thread

wyrdo said:
I figured I'd be able to get most of my money back on ebay if they release a new version so I'm not too bothered. I hope they do release a new version with bigger, better spaced out buttons. It's not designed for people with shovel like hands like me.

25.5cm handspan and I do fine :confused:

JaFFa said:
its been out since november I think in the UK definitely before christmas its just really hard to find.

jumpurs: Any wireless router wil do, I believe you can use a normal wireless card if you make a bridge or something their are details on the web. The dongle does not come in the pack.

Mine was from Germany, got the pink triangle the german games have. Normal wireless cards are hard to get working and a router is much better to set up NintendoWiFi.
kreeeee said:
25.5cm handspan and I do fine :confused:

Dunno, I find the buttons way too small and close together. I keep hitting B by accident with my thumb.

Edit: And now I want to know what my hand span is! Heh
wyrdo said:
Dunno, I find the buttons way too small and close together. I keep hitting B by accident with my thumb.

I have been playing games since the uber ergonimic NES pads and atari sticks so maybe that makes me less prone to things like that.
kreeeee said:
I have been playing games since the uber ergonimic NES pads and atari sticks so maybe that makes me less prone to things like that.
I've been playing games since before you were born laddy so it aint that :)

It's just not as comfortable to use as the PSP in my opinion.
wyrdo said:
I've been playing games since before you were born laddy so it aint that :)

It's just not as comfortable to use as the PSP in my opinion.

Hmm, strange then. Must mean I'm more manly than you ;)
ahhh cool, i have a wireless router, just wasnt sure if i needed that USB thing that i have seen around.
Thanks guys, u r bad temptations :p
ahhh cool, i have a wireless router, just wasnt sure if i needed that USB thing that i have seen around.
Thanks guys, u r bad temptations :p

No I'm not! (go look at castlevania, advance wars, kirby and sonic though).

Edit: Metroid Prime Hunters, Animal Crossing and Tony Hawks are also online mind.
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Oh while I'm thinking about it, what's the battery life like on the DS? In the main window I have a little green battery in the top right, is that the meter? It hasn't gone down yet!
"It's just not as comfortable to use as the PSP in my opinion."

What ??
Even with the PSP's analog stick in the stoopid low down impossible to reach position ?? :)

And Wyrdo... you should be able to get about 10+ hours of gaming out of a full charge.... dependant on how loud you have the volume.
Once the LED turns red, you've probably get about 20 mins max... I think...
Moonpie2 said:
"It's just not as comfortable to use as the PSP in my opinion."

What ??
Even with the PSP's analog stick in the stoopid low down impossible to reach position ?? :)

And Wyrdo... you should be able to get about 10+ hours of gaming out of a full charge.... dependant on how loud you have the volume.
Once the LED turns red, you've probably get about 20 mins max... I think...

Thanks for that, been using it on and off all day and pleased that the battery hasn't run out on me ;)

Mission 1-8 on Mario Kart is doing my head in though, I can only get 2 stars! :mad:
Try going back to it after doing some racing:)

I've found that by alternate=ing between the two I tend to do better (getting used to the controls a bit more i guess)
wyrdo said:
Oh while I'm thinking about it, what's the battery life like on the DS? In the main window I have a little green battery in the top right, is that the meter? It hasn't gone down yet!

That's the wireless signal. The battery is your green light, goes orange when *** battery is low. The Battery lasts from:

~14 hours GBA game
~12 hours 2D DS game
~10 hours 3D DS game
~7-8 hours with WiFi DS game

Edit: above tested with volume on full
Just caved in and bought Mario Kart Console pack with Bomberman DS for free and also bought Sonic Rush. I feel so weak!
Got a DS With..

Sonic Rush
Kirbys Power Paintbrush
Yoshi Touch and go

My nephew and mother play on it more than i do.. i barely get a look in! :( Castlevania rocks, i plan on getting advance wars this week. Yoshi Touch and Go has my mam hooked on beating records. And my girlfriend is in on it too now. Great console. The alarm clock wakes me nicely in a morning too.

Cant wait for new one so i can hand mine down and upgrade :D
another vote for ouendan. its truly crazy but one of the most addictive games ive played. male cheer leaders.....wtf!??
Of course there's a point :)

The menus are dead easy to figure out and the story is told through amusing comic pictures so you don't 100% actually need to read the text.

Its well worth a buy. I think I saw it on Ebay for £15 once.
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