DSL stats help please....

20 Oct 2002
DSL Line (Wire Pair): Line 1 (inner pair)
Downstream Rate Cap: 24384 kbps
Downstream Atten. at 300kHz: 30.8 dB
Uncancelled Echo: -17.0 dB Ok
VCXO Frequency Offset: 4.7 ppm Ok
Final Rx Gain: 20.4 dB Ok
Impulse Noise Comp. Tones: 0 Ok
Excessive Impulse Noise: 0 Ok
Impulse noise protection: 0.00
Delay of latency path: 0.08 ms


DSL Details

Modem Type: Built in modem - ADSL
DSL Line (Wire Pair): Line 1 (inner pair)
Current DSL Connection:
Down Up
Rate: 6309 kbs 1020 kbs
Max Rate: 6309 kbs 1020 kbs
Noise Margin: 14.9 dB 5.9 dB
Attenuation: 38.0 dB 18.9 dB
Output Power: 20.2 dBm 11.8 dBm

Protocol: G.DMT2+ Annex A
Channel: Fast
DSLAM Vendor Information Country: {46336} Vendor: {IFTN} Specific: {48753 }
ATM PVC: 0/38

Rate Cap: 6309 kbs
Attenuation @ 300kHz: 38.0 dB
Uncanceled Echo: -17.0 dB Ok
VCXO Frequency Offset: 4.7 ppm Ok
Final Receive Gain: 20.4 dB Ok
Impulse Noise Comp. Tones: 0 Ok
Excessive Impulse Noise: 0 Ok
Stats are as above on a bt business line that is just plain pants.

Are those stats any good or are they rubbish?

I could live with the slow speeds, but quite a lot of times when browsing the page just times out like ive lost all connectivity.
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