DSL stats help please....

20 Oct 2002
DSL Line (Wire Pair): Line 1 (inner pair)
Downstream Rate Cap: 24384 kbps
Downstream Atten. at 300kHz: 30.8 dB
Uncancelled Echo: -17.0 dB Ok
VCXO Frequency Offset: 4.7 ppm Ok
Final Rx Gain: 20.4 dB Ok
Impulse Noise Comp. Tones: 0 Ok
Excessive Impulse Noise: 0 Ok
Impulse noise protection: 0.00
Delay of latency path: 0.08 ms


DSL Details

Modem Type: Built in modem - ADSL
DSL Line (Wire Pair): Line 1 (inner pair)
Current DSL Connection:
Down Up
Rate: 6309 kbs 1020 kbs
Max Rate: 6309 kbs 1020 kbs
Noise Margin: 14.9 dB 5.9 dB
Attenuation: 38.0 dB 18.9 dB
Output Power: 20.2 dBm 11.8 dBm

Protocol: G.DMT2+ Annex A
Channel: Fast
DSLAM Vendor Information Country: {46336} Vendor: {IFTN} Specific: {48753 }
ATM PVC: 0/38

Rate Cap: 6309 kbs
Attenuation @ 300kHz: 38.0 dB
Uncanceled Echo: -17.0 dB Ok
VCXO Frequency Offset: 4.7 ppm Ok
Final Receive Gain: 20.4 dB Ok
Impulse Noise Comp. Tones: 0 Ok
Excessive Impulse Noise: 0 Ok
Stats are as above on a bt business line that is just plain pants.

Are those stats any good or are they rubbish?

I could live with the slow speeds, but quite a lot of times when browsing the page just times out like ive lost all connectivity.
Noise Margin: 14.9 dB 5.9 dB

The downstream SNR as quoted above is way over the usual 5-7dB that ISPs set.

Should be syncing a lot higher on the downstream if this were corrected. Working out why it's been set high might be tricky. Maybe the line is instable and it's been set high to allow for fluctuations throughout the day.
It rather depends on why it's been set at almost 15dB. If you can monitor the SNR & Connection speed with something like Routerstats you might find that it's not unstable at all but has been set high by BT for an issue that occured in the past. It could also be that BT set business broadband with a higher SNR for stability.
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