DSLR recommendations for a relatrively low budget.

19 Jun 2012
After a recent holiday and some very disappointing results with a relatively cheap point and shoot compact camera I have decided I want a DSLR.

I am looking to get on the first rung as an uber noob photographer.

As such I am looking for something that will give great photos with AF point and shoot, but crucially also have the added features that I can utilise and grow into as I learn more and get better.

I have had a somewhat latent eye for photography for a while but never had the time to get into it.

After seeing what I can achieve with DSLR cameras belonging to friends I feel it is the correct route. Initially I will be looking for a good all round package with everything I need - body, lens(s), spare batteries, tripod, memory and so on. My plan is to add to it as I develop but what I want to try and avoid is having to buy a new body in a years time because I didn't buy wise at the start.

That is where you guys come in! :)

So far I have a list of cameras with varying specs and prices:

Nikon D3300
Nikon D7100 (or D7200)
Canon EOS 1200D
Canon 750D (Or 760D)

I would also consider other manufacturers, but Nikon and Canon seem to be the front runners.

Budget wise I guess I am looking at a maximum of £1000 all in, and for that I would prefer to have a choice of lenses if possible. Probably a bit ambitious to get an all round lens, telephoto and macro for that budget but you never know! :p

So - hit me up OCUK, what say you?
Thanks for the advice. The Sony A7 looks like a nice bit of kit. I can definitely see the benefit of having a smaller/lighter body and smaller lenses too.

Will keep on looking around. The CSC route makes sense, so I am looking at the other cameras in that category. Trying to weigh up whether they offer similar capabilities to a full DSLR.
Weight isn't really a major concern for me to be honest as it is only going to be a hobby for me and the wife (something we have both wanted to do for a while). That said, a lighter body with smaller lens that gives comparative results to a DSLR seems to make sense.
For me my, priority is image quality. Handling is 2nd really.

Been offered a 2nd hand Canon EOS 5D MK II today. Just in the process of finding out more about it.

I have done some shooting with a few DSLR's, mainy Nikon and Canon. I like both of them to be honest. Was using a Nikon D3100 last week that belongs to a family friend. Felt OK. Have also done some shooting at a wedding using a D5 MKIII with battery grip and a bounce flash. That felt a bit cumbersome to be honest, but the results were pretty good.

I completely understand the context of CSC vs DSLR as you have put it - but the problem is I can only afford one system really.

Canon is a good choice as my brother has quite a few lenses I can borrow :D

But if I am honest I tend to prefer the handling of Nikon. Never really tried any of the other brands though to be fair.

With my limited budget I think I need to find a sweet spot between body and lens quality. Ideally I would like a couple of lenses for my money. Been looking a bit closer at the EOS 760D today.

Also trying to educate myself on the various lens types. In at the deep end! :p

EDIT - the D7100 is also on my short list along with the 7200.
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If you think the Canon 5DMKIII is a little cumbersome you will find the MKII similar worse even. You also have to understand that these a full frame camera, so a bigger sensor that requires bigger lenses but can capture more light.

My advice would be to put most of the money into lenses. Cameras are like any other digital device and they age fairly badly, new tech and new sensors come along and it gets very tempting to update every few years. Lenses progress slower and hold their value much better.

This has been my thinking too. No point getting a top of the range body if I don't have the lenses.

I seem to be angling towards something like the Nikon D7100 (maybe D7200 if I can stretch).

That said, I am not really sure if the extra cost would be worth it over something like a Nikon D3300 coupled with some higher quality glass.
Well, had a discussion with the wife last night and we decided that a hobby for two of us would be better served with 2 cameras.

So I am looking at buying two of the D3300 with kit lenses packages and possibly getting a telephoto separately (something like a 55-300).

However I have happened on a place called SLR Hut and their prices seem too good to be true.

For example this: http://slrhut.co.uk/product/ID1774C5/view

A D5200 body, 2 Nikon lenses and a load of accessories (SD card, tripod, flash, UV filters, lens hood, carry case etc) for £449.00?

What is the catch? Jessops do the D5200 body with a basic 18-55mm kit lense for £400, Wex do it for the same.

Any good recommendations for online shopping for DSLR's? Jessops is a waste of time - most of their stuff is out of stock or store collection only. Wex is similar.
If prices are too good to be true, it's probably a "grey" import, even if the retailer is in the UK. Also bear in mind that the D5200 is two generations old for that range (D5300 and D5500 have followed).

The D5200 pack linked is probably the old versions of both lenses too - the 18-55 is now usually supplied as the VR II model, which collapses compactly when not in use and seems to offer better quality optics; the 55-200 is almost certainly the older model with plastic lens mount (a bit nasty). While there's nothing wrong with the lenses really, especially if you're just starting out, you should probably try to aim for the newer versions if you can keep in budget.

Curry's are doing the D5200 with the VR II lens + remote control + spare battery for £399.

Looking at getting 2 of those bundles and a "NIKON AF-S DX NIKKOR 55-300 mm f/4.5-5.6G SWM ED VR Telephoto Zoom Lens" (£262)

Could perhaps then sell one of the kit 18-55's to put towards maybe a 35mm fast prime or a wide angle or something.

What do you think?
Sigh. Really getting fed up now. Found a good deal at currys (as above). Added all to basket, and was getting ready to chekout but had a call out so had to deal with it. Came back - basket has timed out.

Trying to add everything in again and the camera bundle deal I was buying 2 of will now only let me add one to the basket.

Cleared all cookies and cache, used 2 different browsers and even used the PC world website.

Bottom line seems to be they only have 1 left and I need 2.

Sigh. :(

Back to the ****ing drawing board :(
The reason I wanted 2 was because of the price considering it comes with VRII lens and a spare Nikon battery (they cost £25 on their own) and a handy Nikon remote control (worth £34 ish). Looked everywhere and nobody can match that pricing and with it being curries I doubt it is an import. Everywhere else wants £399 just for the body and standard VR kit lens.

Planning on getting a 55-300 telephoto too. Could then sell one of the 18-55 kit lenses to put towards a 35mm like you say.
Have you checked out any body-only purchases? It may be worth checking out the cost saving/extra with the second one being a body-only.

Simply not worth buyin body only. They are not that much cheaper and you couldn't even buy the kit lens they come with as a separate with the money you save by buying body only. I think the 18-55 VRII weight in at something like £180 on its own. But buying body only you will save £100 max, maybe less.

Edit - the D5200 body only is in the region of £325. It is only £399 with a 18-55mm VRII kit lens. That lens is £199 on its own.
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Some nice shots there, very impressed with the quality even at 300mm. When the page was loading at first I was thinking "man this guy isn't very good - some of his photos are well out of focus!"

Must have been an issue with Flickr as after I opened an image and then closed it, all the other previews were pin sharp :D

I need to set up a Flikr account I think. Is all of the camera setting information below each image uploaded tagged to the image file automatically, or do you have to add it manually?
There was a Nikon AF-S VR 70-300 f/4.5-5.6G IF-ED lens for sale in MM so I bought it.

From what I can gather it is a higher quality lens than the entry level 55-300mm, so figured I would take a punt :)
Had a bit of a play with the D5200 in the lounge tonight (low light). Definitely seems capable and the noise levels seem respectably low. The main thing that strikes me, though, is just how light and compact it is as a package. The body is smaller than other DSLR's I have used and the kit lens is tiny. The buttons and controls have a positive tactile feel and the view finder displays camera settings when you compose a shot. As expected the flash over exposes everything in the room so I turned it off. Changing camera settings on manual is easy enough by using the settings dial as well as quick menu navigation. Auto focus seems quick enough but I have seen faster. As a first play I am very happy, particularly considering the price.

Had a quick look at the tripod too - very nice for the money and will be useful even on rough ground.

I have a 70-300mm lense coming and have also ordered a shoulder bag and a couple of memory cards.

Can't wait to get out with it properly over the weekend. :)
What memory cards did you buy and how much?

I'm still clawing my way to the MM, hopefully I can be there soon. I'm guessing the better lens you bought was had for around the same price as the standard 55-300 lens is brand new?

Make sure to post pictures of your first journey!

I ordered this twin pack for £29.99 from the electrical goods outlet named after Indian style food :p :

Read/Write speeds seem pretty good for the money.

Yes, you are spot on - I have paid £260 including delivery for the 70-300mm lens, which is about a year old so a big saving over new and a better lens overall than the entry level 55-300mm.

I am now thinking of perhaps a prime or macro lens. I have read a lot of people prefer a 35mm prime over 50mm. Will need to look into it further though.

Need to get to grips with the body first, as I literally only had 10 mins with it last night. There are a raft of options and settings I need to go through and I need to familiarise myself with the main 'go to' settings.

Even on auto mode I was getting some good DOF effects when simply altering the autofocus point which I was suprised with. The body has various focus styles. I also had a brief go with the colour effect mode too, which I am looking forward to experimenting with. I think it will produce some interesting shots, particularly in towns and for portraits.

I am intending to make my own thread "Buffet's amazing photographic journey" :p

Perhaps something a little less cheesy though? :D
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Nice one, the price definitely seems pretty good? I wouldn't know as I don't buy a lot of these cards :p

Which Prime 35mm lens will you be looking at?

Only an entry level one at the minute to be honest. The Nikon AF-S DX NIKKOR 35mm f/1.8G lens is the one I will probably get.

From what I read it is a stonking little lens for the money.


Might have to wait till Christmas now, but I am also considering an entry level Macro too http://www.wexphotographic.com/buy-nikon-40mm-f2-8-g-af-s-dx-micro-lens/p1526498
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