Dt770s 250ohm ok with amp?

5 Dec 2006
Yikes. they have sent me the Beyer DT770 250ohm rather than the 80ohm.

I'm hoping to use them for PC gaming, iPod etc, and I'd heard the 250ohm would have been awful to drive without an amp, and the 80ohm touch and go.

To hedge my bets on the 80ohm (which I'd ordered) I also ordered an amp from elsewhere (which arrives tomorrow).

SO my question is.... now that I HAVE an amp, will the 250ohm be as good as if not better than the 80ohm, OR would I still be better off with the 80ohm?

If it makes a difference, the amp will be a PROJECT HEAD BOX MK11.

Advice most appreciated, as I don't want to send these back unless I have to...
They will be absolutely fine coming out the amp.... but they will need an amp, forget straight out a soundcard or anything like that.

I will add though that the 80ohm dt770 are the best sounding out of the bunch. It is usually the case that the higher ohms=better sound, but just not with these.
Yes the general consensus is that the 80ohm 2005 dt770's sound the best.

However this is the consensus of a bunch of audiophiles (search headfi forums if you want to know the sound differences), the real difference to you may well be negligible.

Still if it were me I have the 80ohm'ers (I do actual own these) anyway as it doesn't limit you to always needing a powerful source.
mcgriffo, if you can't trust your own hearing you're condemned to eternal dissatisfaction. Any decent cans will sound good on a decent amp. On your budget, either of the headphones will sound better using the amplifier you've bought. My advice to you would be to stop worrying about whether you've bought the very best you can afford and spend time learning to love or hate them. As you know hi-fi can get a little complex and expensive, depending on how far you want to get towards your idea of perfection within your available means, and against the other priorities in your life.

As you know, I've invested much more on my headphones and amplifier than I have on my PC but that's based on my own priorities, means, interests and tastes which are irrelevant to your choices.

You can't decide which 'phones you most like by putting it to a vote. Enjoy listening to your 'phones for a couple of months or so. Allow them and your new amplifier to burn in for 150hours or so, before you make any judgement as to whether or not your happy with their sound. In the unlikely event that you don't find them reasonable, use your experience to decide more clearly what you want to improve and then consider your options. If you go this far I'd recommend that you use a specialist forum like headfi.org as your main source of information and advice.

Why not return to this thread with your first impressions of your new 'phones? This might be helpful to others here and provide a neat happy ending to thread.:)

The only diffrence between the 80ohm and 250ohm version is how hard it is to drive them.
The 80ohm version is more easy to drive than the 250ohm (it takes less juice to power them). The 250ohm should sound a little quieter than the 80ohm ones at the same volume.
Just try out your phones and if they work and can create the listening volume you like, great.
I have the 80ohm version and they work on any old audio gear, from my Roland JD800 etc to a rubbish old MP3 player.
The 250ohm version may struggle with low output headphone amps, but again it's down to trial and error.
The DT770's are the best headphones I have used so far. The bass extension is amazing and not bloated. The attenuation is fabu too.

The PROJECT HEAD BOX MK11 should work with them just fine.

Get them cans on and listen to your favorite tunes and see if you like them. Your ears are better at judgeing this than anything else.

Reckon it's worth me buying the DT770 ? I currently have the HD555 and love them but like with all things like this you just want to try something else and see how it goes! I'm currently looking for the best set of closed back headphones as the HD555 does seem to leak a lot of sound at high volume (unknown to myself since I'm wearing them!) which is not suitable for night time gaming or movie watching/music playing !
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