Dual Boot

24 Jul 2009
Quick question on dual booting. I have Windows 10 on an SSD with a separate HDD for games and programs. I want to install Ubuntu and Kali on a separate HDD. To do this, I plan on disconnecting the SSD and HDD to not mess up my Windows installation and then select the OS I want to boot into during PC start up. By selecting the Linux HDD, will I get the option for either Ubuntu or Kali through Grub?
If you have the windows drive connected when you update a kernel / grub it will probably add it automatically altho it depends on what version of linux you are using.
Most will have a os prober which will add other bootloaders it finds. (script: /etc/grub.d/30_os-prober)

You can add GRUB_DISABLE_OS_PROBER=true to /etc/default/grub to disable this.

That'll work for what I want.

You can get a DVD-drive mounted hard drive switcher to make this easier for you.

Thanks, I'll have a look at these.
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