Dual Core Temps

5 Dec 2006
Just built a C2D E6600 system with a P5B mobo

When I first switched on and went into the BIOS, it was showing the CPU temp as being about 85 degrees Celsius

I just checked with TAT last night and each of the CPUs were around about 45 each

This is all idle on stock cooling

I take it the TAT reading is normal - but where did that BIOS one come from????
Yeah as mentioned you may need a reseat, IIRC TAT uses the on-die thermometer to measure temps so is usually accurate, as for the BIOS temp that is weird :S but try a reseat and it might help :)
But that TAT reading is ok?

Wouldn't the TAT one be high too if a reseat was needed?

I'm getting my isopropyl alcohol tonight so I might do a reseat with some properly applied TIM...
I just have this nightmarish image of my lovely new E6600 sizzling away, doing untold damage and blazing off into some volcanic inferno of molten bits...

I haven't ever used TAT before NOR monitored a temperature via the BIOS.

If I'm seeing 45 degrees per CPU on TAT at idle stock-cool is that "normal"?

And if I'm seeing 85 degrees in the bios (don't think it splits them up - just gives one CPU reading... maybe they're aggregated?????) is this not "normal"?
Are you using the stock intel cooler? If so, I believe that is about normal. What does your temp go up to under full load? (You can use TAT to test this)
Hi there - thanks for the reply

Yup, stock cooling

Just put CPU 0 up tp 100% for about 2 mins in TAT and CPU 0 levelled at about 83C while CPU 1 went up to about 81C

Does this still sound ok on stock?
Sweet christ, thats way too high. Are you sure you are reading it right, it seems like a huge jump from your idle temperature, could you put a screenshot up?

You generally want to keep the temps under 60c. So you're using stock cooling, are you also using the thermal paste that was pre-applied on the heatsink?
How do you insert a screen shot?

And I am using the default thermal paste that was stuck to the bottom of the heatsink upon opening the box

I'm pretty sure I sat the heatsink ok by pushing those pins in - didn't want to go mad, though, as I didn't want to bend the mobo - it seems to be seated ok.

I do have my thermo chill paste at the ready and some isopropyl to clean the old stuff off with if you think it ha come to that.....
Somethings totally wrong somewhere. I suggest reseating the heatsink and while you're at it applying some new thermal paste (obviously cleaning off the old paste first)
Ok - thanks for your help and advice, Killer.

No doubt you'll have hit the sack by the time I'm done, so I'll let you know the outcome tomorrow!!!
mcgriffo said:
Ok - thanks for your help and advice, Killer.

No doubt you'll have hit the sack by the time I'm done, so I'll let you know the outcome tomorrow!!!

I may well still be on once you've done, so if you feel like coming back on give me an update. :)

Good luck
have you double checked the temperature reading in the bios? is it the same as the intel software you are using?
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