The firm hired did not conclude it was discovered on an Intel system - that was an assumption by the author of an article covering the deeper dive into it by Dan. It is a huge misunderstanding on your part anyhow that the discovery of a vulnerability on one system means that system is susceptible to it in any way - you can analyse and find a problem with an engine in one car that isn't' affected by it for instance but the way the engine is used in another car does fall foul of the problem.
Just because you might be able to load up a controller in debug mode on an Intel system for instance and peek/poke its operation in flight to see what happens and in doing so identify ways that it might be flawed mean that the system itself in that particular instance is vulnerable to that flaw being used against it.
Who else uses ASMedia Chip-Sets?
Like AMD Intel are right now patching their own BIOS, only Intel are doing it quietly.