They're ported at the back I think, so they'd sound crap if you wall mounted them so I doubt it.
Just to confirm - as I own a pair - these do like a bit of clearance at the back if theres not a bit of space behind the rear ports they sound a bit stifled.
Another thing that possibly needs to be taken into account is that they are flat response speakers some people might find they sound "stale" out the box but you can tweak them to suit most tastes. (Which is one of the things I like about them).
How are these in comparison to the Acoustic Energy Aego M 2.1's? Which is what i have at the moment, an upgrade or not?
If your happy with the Aegos I probably wouldn't be in a tearing hurry to change to the Edifiers depending on tastes its potentially a side-grade. (Off the top of my head I'd imagine the Aegos have more bass presence).
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