Due to popular demand the R1600T are on Pre-order at £49.99inc!!!

They're ported at the back I think, so they'd sound crap if you wall mounted them so I doubt it.

Just to confirm - as I own a pair - these do like a bit of clearance at the back if theres not a bit of space behind the rear ports they sound a bit stifled.

Another thing that possibly needs to be taken into account is that they are flat response speakers some people might find they sound "stale" out the box but you can tweak them to suit most tastes. (Which is one of the things I like about them).

How are these in comparison to the Acoustic Energy Aego M 2.1's? Which is what i have at the moment, an upgrade or not?

If your happy with the Aegos I probably wouldn't be in a tearing hurry to change to the Edifiers depending on tastes its potentially a side-grade. (Off the top of my head I'd imagine the Aegos have more bass presence).
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Fair enough, that was what i assumed as the Aegos are 2.1. Ta. :)

Its just these look so god damn good. :D
How are these in comparison to the Acoustic Energy Aego M 2.1's? Which is what i have at the moment, an upgrade or not?

I ran a set side by side for a while. The Aegos were more boomy and their were less mid tones. I then ran just the R1600s and eventually moved on toa full on studio set up costing nearer £1k. Its a dark path to go down but well worth it :)

They do however need a couple of weeks to settle in, otherwise they sound a little flat. Some bass and some volume soon loosens them up :)
Dunno if I'd class these as "ear-splitting" volumewise, although they can certainly kick out more dB than you'd expect for such compact speakers rated at 2x16W. If these were compared using the dodgy "peak output" measurement (PMPO etc.) I'm sure they'd hit 100W+ (per channel maybe? - who cares).

But these cans are all about quality of sound, not quantity. You'll hear things in your music collection you didn't hear before, and get more detail in what you did hear before. You'll know if the bassist is left or right of the drummer, and by how far. And what colour tanktop he's wearing. Srsly, upgrading to these is like having two wads of treacle-soaked cotton wool removed from your Britneys.

Dedicated gamers might want to stick with 2.1/5.1 systems to get that floor-shaking feeling when a grenade explodes, and serious audiophiles will still spend 10 times as much on "proper" speakers (plus an audio amp), but most casual gamers, music-lovers and general users will find the balance of quality, size and price hard to beat (if not impossible). At ~£80 these are a bargain, at £50 OcUK are giving them away. Probably the best bullseye I've ever spent on my PC.

Perhaps not the most ear splitting volume wise, but they more than do a job. I suppose having the bass pretty high on them & using them quite loudly at around 5am was not my best ever idea ;) But we live & learn!
Got mine today too, brilliant! Plus the added bonus that i wasn't aware of is the ability to have two input channels. I was forever swapping my old jack between my PC and my alarm clock. Now i can have them both plugged in at the same time!
Got mine today too, brilliant! Plus the added bonus that i wasn't aware of is the ability to have two input channels. I was forever swapping my old jack between my PC and my alarm clock. Now i can have them both plugged in at the same time!

Is there a switch to swap between the two channels? I haven't got mine out yet.
Well I received and tried these today. They are well built, and look quite modern and stylish.

Sound wise, I mean for a £50 it's very good indeed. They are little short on base but to be expected for size of driver. There not the warmest of speakers, I can't help wonder if the Edifier R1900's would have suited me better. On plus side the amp has very good stereo separation, there also quite directional so you need to position them in line with your ears.

I'm running these with an Asus Essence ST, the RS1600T's are quite honest to the music you are playing, so if you play a track that's mastered poorly it will make the speakers sound poor, in contrast if track is mastered good these speakers sound much better.
Yeah they are flat response but you should be able to tweak them to get a warmer sound, etc. if thats what you want. The bass will never be amazing but once you've put a few hours of music through them it does become a little more substantial.
Well I received and tried these today. They are well built, and look quite modern and stylish.

Sound wise, I mean for a £50 it's very good indeed. They are little short on base but to be expected for size of driver. There not the warmest of speakers, I can't help wonder if the Edifier R1900's would have suited me better.

I need to retract the above! Maybe they have run it some, but there sounding far far better then they did originally. More depth is in the sound and I only need to run with bass and treble at neutral setting.

Quite amazing for the £50 I paid :) Goes to show you must let speakers settle in before you judge them.
Yeah 100 hours or so of music the bass does gain a fair bit of substance tho they are never going to be known for their low end.

I'm finding them a bit tricky with regards to placement tho - they definitely don't like it if the rear ports don't have some decent clearance and I moved mine from roughly ear height on stands to below the desk on blocks and they sound very dull down there but I don't have space at the moment to put them back how they were :(
These are very nice speakers in the way they look and sound in general for music and films ....but not so good when gaming ..i use headphones for that

I have mine behind my two monitors due to lack of desk space
When you say 100 or so hours, does that have to be at a particularly loud volume. Most of the time mine are on they are on softly whilst working in my home office.
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