Duke Nukem Forever nearing release!!! Well maybe?

26 Sep 2005
Tonbridge, Kent
"According to 3DRealms co-founder, George Broussard, Duke Nukem Forever is preparing for launch "...when pigs fly". The 3DRealms executive gave an in depth interview on a game that has a more robust release date, Prey, but did not fail to mention everyone's favorite April's Fool game DNF, giving us some interesting information regarding its progress.

In an interview at 1Up, George Broussard was asked whether his team is still working on Duke Nukem Forever and his reply was ...An ever and ever.
When asked when we can expect the game however he became slightly more serious and after officially announcing the "pigs" schedule, he went on to add:

it's definitely going well now. Things are together; we're in full production. We're basically just pulling all the pieces together and making the game out of it. There's a lot that's finished. All the guns are finished. Most of the creatures are finished. And as I said, we're just basically pulling it all together and trying to make it fun. We've kind of got all these disassociated elements that make up a game, and you put them together and things happen. And then you just tweak it and polish it until it's fun, and that's kind of the phase we're in now, just trying to make something that is really fun to play and interesting.

So there you have it from the horse's mouth, 3DRealms is still working on DNF and they seem to believe that the game is almost into the testing phase. Considering the length of time its developers have been working on DNF, the game may even introduce a new gaming genre; the retro-modern."

Taken from Megagames
this game has became a joke.

why would they even bother releasing it, after all those years in development they havnt got any chance of making the money back
Aren't you just a little bit curious as to what this game will be like? If it's anything like Duke 3d then it will be a good laugh. I just hope they don't tone down the violance and sex content. That was half the fun watching an eyeball fly past you when you hit them witht the missile launcher :D

After all these years it's either going to be really really good - or really really bad (just so they can get it out the door).

DN:F is the software worlds equivalent to the whole 'will Dell go AMD' affair. If it happens, great, but I'm not believing anything until it's a reality.
I gave up on it a long time ago after it didn't appear soon after the first trailer. Sure there were some great looking trailers to come after, but it's just an endless loop of trailer after trailer.

I've got a feeling, if and when it comes out, they'll have gone too far with the smut + cheese, and the BBFC will slap a censorship on it and get them to re-do the game :p

Will certainly be interesting to see what kind of game they make it after you have games like STALKER and the like coming around the corner. But if it's as fun as Duke3D was, it'll be worth a go at least.
3D Realms made a lot of money on DN3D as they also sold it direct & did a good licensing deal. Read somewhere they made an 8 figure amount because of the way they sold the rights. Methinks this is why they are in no rush to finish DNF as they have been quite wealthy for a number of years so spending a lot of time on coding is probably not a priority hence the done when its done release date.

Those guys @ 3D realms are also a good bunch as they even still did a patch in 2002 for DN3D to work on some modern hardware.
when was this first announced lol

at least us with lesser specs might be able to run it :)
I thought they had changed the graphics engine which they are using since the original trailers as it would be way too outdated now and would look like a spectrum could produce compared againt the modern games.
What other company could get away with delaying a project this long, without heads rolling!?

TBH They only really started the game there working on now in early 2003, so I wouldn't expect any 8 year master piece!
I have hope for this game, just purely for the fact that it's duke. If the one liners are any good it'll make the game.

Anyone have any chewing gum? ;)
XPE said:
this game has became a joke.

why would they even bother releasing it, after all those years in development they havnt got any chance of making the money back

why wont they make any money off it ??
for every 100,000 copies sold, it would net them about £3,000,000
Sem said:
i hope its good but i smell another Daikatana

So true......

I gave up on this years ago...The whole will it, won't it be released soon routine got very boring...There's plenty of other games to be more excited about....I doubt it will bring much to the table that other games don't already do and possibly do better....

Apparently their also waiting for their 360 Dev kits to see how the 360 handles it....So 360 release date?.....Around 2014 i'd say....So sit tight, any day now ;)
Otacon said:
DN:F is the software worlds equivalent to the whole 'will Dell go AMD' affair. If it happens, great, but I'm not believing anything until it's a reality.

yep, my thoughts exactly.

we've heard it all before, many times.
we need more than words this time, ie a company taking pre-orders with a firm delivery date at the least.
though personally i wouldn't put it past 'em to line up distributors just to fan the flames of publicity.
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