Duke Nukem Forever nearing release!!! Well maybe?

Yep, so many good shooters coming i am not bothered if DNF is released or not.

George Broussard has said publicly that 3DRealms is funding the game entirely & so they are happy to take as much time as needed to finish the game. Apparently they did make a fair bit of money on ther original & on the selling of their share of the rights they had to Max Payne. Enough to still keep them going apparently, so they are still doing ok cash wise.

As for the game engine, it was based on Quake2, then the original Unreal engine & now i beleive their 3rd (& latest) game rebuild is supposedly built on a heavily modified Unreal engine. I have my doubts about how well the engine will stand up too.

Anyway at this point im not bothered if its released or not, but if it is released & its good (not Daikatana again) then i would still get it.

The last info given on their website that i am aware of suggested a late 2006 release.
But then with DNF who knows.
To think, when this game was announced, I was running a K6/2 300, 128megs, a riva128 coupled up to a couple of voodoo 2's in sli and a soundblaster awe64 value. My expectations are so low for this game now, I just don't think I'm interested anymore (apart from posting in dnf threads :D ). Someone-else can take the plunge, and I *might* pick it up. And if it doesn't run blazingly fast on a 3.2 P4 and a 6800gt, I'm not interested.
chopchop said:
why wont they make any money off it ??
for every 100,000 copies sold, it would net them about £3,000,000

Well you have to employ a whole development team for 8 years, then add on the money they have spent buying other people engines, paying for equipment ect ect.

Also they will not get the £30 it cost to buy the game, the shop and publisher have to get their share, the developer might only get 5 to 10 % of the money you pay for it (that’s why valve have steam).

So this all adds up.
chopchop said:
why wont they make any money off it ??
for every 100,000 copies sold, it would net them about £3,000,000

We don't know how many tens of millions of US$ have been put into the game though, it's going to be a hell of a lot if they're still full on developing the game with a full team.
ahhh i remember seeing the trailer of this many many many many moons ago on 'CD Gamer'. i think it must have been 7 years ago? maybe longer. but HL2 was in production for that long and that was worth the wait :D but somehow.. i dont think it will be out anytime soon :o
They should have just made it with the Build engine. Who needs fancy graphics, just make new weapons, enemies and levels for Duke3D :D It would be awesome.
Lol the Build engine rocked :cool:

No idea how good/bad DNF will be, but the side scrolling Duke Nukem game last year was a laugh.
Lee2k4 said:
How long has this game been in development now? 10 years?

That made me laugh as i dont think you are far off, its just utterly hilarious. They are either doing it as a pet project abd couldnt give a stuff about sales OR they are lying about the whole thing, probably both
10 years sounds about right.
I was playing it on my 486, which I got in about 10 years ago, and I remember getting Duke 3D for a christmas present (so almost certainly 9 years+).

I'll beleive it's ready for release when I'm installing the full game on my PC.
they have nothing to gain about lying, it'll only give bad press to other games they are/will be working on. It'll be good to play it when it comes out, but i wont hold my breath for a near date. Was 1997 i think when I played Duke 3D on psx, there was the 2D manhatten one though around 2001/2 to keep ya going.
Duke nukem 3d was the first game i ever baught for my first pc back in the second half of 96. I paid a grand for a pentium 133, 1gig hard drive and 16 meg of ram, thought D3D was the best game id ever seen and how well spent that grand was LOL Then quake came out.
you have to remember this is a game that has won Lifetime Achievement Award for being on vaporware lists that long ;)
Here's the funny thing: people whinge endlessly about games being released before they are properly ready, and now they whinge about a game that the dev team are taking all the time possible to get right. Would anyone care to say how long the "correct" development time is?

But the worrying bit is that the official announcement appears to roughly translate as: "We've finished the engine and textures, and now we're finally going to do the game."

I remember watching the original trailer which was properly awesome and made me want this game back in like '98 on the old K6...
Would be great if it came out, even if it was rubbish I think I'd have to buy it just out of principal. This game has become even more comedy than Daikatana, I'm sure it will be better than it though... I hope... (if it ever comes out)
If they're funding it themselves, I really can't see this one being binned.

And why do people keep calling it another Daiktonna? Daiktonna wasn't a bad game :???: It was just hideously over-hyped for being the next Carmack (Or was it Romeo?) game. Daiktonna got a lot of stick for being a let down (Due to the hype) rather than a poor game.

But hey, let's jump on the bandwagon and get a +1 post count :p

I absoulutely loved Duke Nukem 3D, and it was just so advanced for its time and an awsome multiplayer death match.

Duke has to be my favorite ingame character of anygame as he has that charm you can't help but like, a few of his sayings i can remember him using.

"You bottom feeding , Scum Sucking, Allgey eatting"
"Thats one dead doom space marine"
and the one everyone will remember
"it time to kick ass and chew bubble gum.... except im all out of gummm"

Its hard to explain how he is just such a good ingame character.

Duke Nukem Forever surely has to be a good/great game as they need to follow up what they did/done in the Duke 3D which can only been all good :)

Im very much looking forward to it but not holding my breath for a soon release date hehehe
WHAT!!! said:
"it time to kick ass and chew bubble gum.... except im all out of gummm"
That saying is actually from a film. Most of duke's sayings are, many from evil dead 3. Anyone know what film it's from? ;)
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