Dust/debris in lens?

20 Jul 2008
Was hoping for some advice as I haven't had this before. Purchased a second hand Fuji Fujinon XF 14mm f/2.8 from a photography shop. The lens is awesome and I've been impressed but today has been the first day in a while I've had a chance to use it properly outside. These marks are highly visible but only in certain photos with clear backgrounds.

What are they... debris?
Can I remove them or should I return the lens as faulty?

Would really appreciate some advice.

They are very easy to take out in Lightroom but it's an expensive lens and not something I am willing to live with given the price.
Thanks guys and you're right. I very rarely shoot around F20 hence why I didn't notice it before.

Have the same question as Merlin - I've tried blowing on it but it hasn't sorted the main spec. Guess can try a blower bulb?
Hi guys,

Thanks a lot for the responses here. So I went a bit mad and bought a load of stuff Raymond recommended including the rocket air blower. It has definitely improved and moved some of the dust but I think the sensor is damaged. I bought this camera second hand a few months back and didn't check the sensor properly as all the images looked crystal clear (also out of ignorance to be frankly honest). However you can clearly see here two marks on the sensor which I doubt are going to be removable. It's not the end of the world I guess as the images still look great but as soon as you go up to f18 there are visible marks.

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