DVD computer region Help

11 Oct 2005
HI, my sister managed to buy me a "learn to play the guitar DVD" for xmas, but I believe it is from the states (USA) as a lot of information on the sleeve is in $.

Anyhow, it works fine on my DVD player in the lounge downstairs next to the TV.

But cannot get it to play on my computer, other DVD's work fine on computer, even in "My Computer" it is not reconised, nothing is shown at all. As though there is no disk in the drive,

I have even tried changing regions on my computers DVD Drive from 2 (UK) to 1 (USA) but still no joy,

Any ideas people. Want to be able to use this on my computer as I have made a kind of studio in one of my spare bedrooms.

Thank you and happy new year.
vlc won't work if it's not even recognising it in the drive. can't think what it could be. is the drive spinning it?
Right, it works fine with all my other DVD's, so It must be this DISK, and only this disk, I believe it is from the USA, cannot explore the drive when the disk is in it. The DVD play's fine on my dvd player in the lounge. so must be something odd about the disk itself....
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