DVI splitter ; Two Inputs - One Output

15 Jan 2003
I currently have a Dell 3007, i use it for both my gaming rig and media pc. This requires me to manually change the cable from one pc to another, not ideal.

What im looking for is a decent DVI switching device that allows me to change signals, i know they exist but the ones i have seen look pretty plasticy and un-appealing there is also no word on dual DVI cable support.

Looking for any info/advice on the subject.
Get a monitor with DVI AND analogue input, switch inputs or in most cases the monitor automatically detects which one is giving a signal.
KVM switch is possibly the route i need to go, it does what im asking for except i havent yet found one capable of Dual Link DVI support.
andicole0 said:

That looks like just what i need. I have the Samsung 226bw which has DVI/HDCP and VGA. I currently have a Xbox360 via VGA - PS3 via DVI and PC via DVI all connected to the Monitor but need to keep swapping cables to use the PS3 and PC which is really annoying. Anybody know 100% if this will solve this issue? Failing that im looking at selling the monitor and buying one with a HDMI connection.
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Nothing you have requires them to be Dual link capable, the ones that are dual link enabled appear to cost around 300-400 pounds, for that amount id rather buy a second monitor.
AFAIK the Dell 3007 requires Dual-Link to run at the native resolution so I imagine that is why the OP wants it.
My splitter turned up today and it works perfect. I now have my PC and PS3 connected via DVI Splitter and 360 by VGA. Superb :D
djay said:
My splitter turned up today and it works perfect. I now have my PC and PS3 connected via DVI Splitter and 360 by VGA. Superb :D

Does the splitter still allow you to run your pc at 1920x1200 because it says on the link you posted it supports 1080i so that would be a max of 1920x1080. Also can you still watch blueray movies on your ps3 still ? Reason I ask all this is because I have seen similar splitters from Bandridge which are 1080p compliant and support HDCP.
Flanno said:
Does the splitter still allow you to run your pc at 1920x1200 because it says on the link you posted it supports 1080i so that would be a max of 1920x1080. Also can you still watch blueray movies on your ps3 still ? Reason I ask all this is because I have seen similar splitters from Bandridge which are 1080p compliant and support HDCP.

Unfortunately my monitor is only 22" so 1680x1050 is what i run. The PS3 will only un 720p on my monitor.
Oh..sorry mate.
Thanks for the info.
These splitter boxes say they do 1080i or 1080p...would be a shame of they did not do the 1920x1200.

Anyway, I am using the vga for my 2407 and dvi for my ps3 for now.
Flanno said:
Oh..sorry mate.
Thanks for the info.
These splitter boxes say they do 1080i or 1080p...would be a shame of they did not do the 1920x1200.

Anyway, I am using the vga for my 2407 and dvi for my ps3 for now.

To be honest the place that i got mine are absolutely fantastic for customer service. I am 100% sure you could try it and if it didn't work send it back. My first switch box developed a fault after a month or so, so i emailed them. The next day i had a replacement turn up with a pre paid jiffy to send the faulty one back!!!
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