No IT consultant takes PAYE do they
Since IR35, many do I'm afraid.
No IT consultant takes PAYE do they
Since IR35, many do I'm afraid.
I hope this doesn't come across the wrong way but if you were earning that much, don't you have any savings? I know thats not the point of the thread but still you are causing yourself a lot of hassle when you are not well for the sake of small amounts of money.
Get well soon.
Unfortunately, a personal matter a while ago cleaned me out. I don't want to go in to it here though.
It's always been a lengthy and arduous process but it only hurts those that have lost a job and could use benefits asap, rather than those who have never had one and waiting a few months isn't as perilous.Could it be that because of the public backlash over how easy it is to claim benefits if you can't be arsed to work (though this is clearly not the case for the OP) the system has become tied up with red tape?
Hope it works out for you in the end anyway.