but you're missing the point that you can get more strenuous exercise out of an eBike and the reason why some Professionals use them.
You go out on an heavier bike anyway and turn the pedal assist down low or off, I'll guarantee the exercise will be way more tiring than riding your normal bike because mine feels like I'm giving somebody a 'backie' when I have the motor off.
Again you may have no use for exercise like this and just want a normal bike but if you want to get fit really quick get an eBike and turn the motor off or low.
Nobody is right or wrong but I just want you to see how good an eBike can be for very strenuous exercise.
I am not missing any point. Some people may get a more strenuous workout and I expect those are people with issues that would prevent them from being able to exercise and I expect they are the exception and not the rule and as hard as a workout you can get on an eBike. You can get harder on a traditional bike. I don't even understand how this can be an argument.
One of my mates full powers to a woods, turns power off and gives himself a massive workout until he's dying then turns the power on and goes home, he'd never get that particular type of exercise on his normal MTBs.
he used to be in a situation with his normal bikes where he'd ring his wife up to come pick him up because he hadn't got the strength to get home, now it's win win.
So in essence what you're saying is... One of your mates isn't fit enough to blast full speed to the woods, have several hours of pumping some trails and then return home once he is defeated without battery power? I know mountain biking is tough on the whole body so there is no shame, nor am I trying to shame, that it leaves them shattered. Though my interpretation of that is that the eBike allows him to ride for a longer duration than a traditional bike would. I imagine being able to use battery power to get back to the top of the hills allows him to have more runs down them.
So I really disagree that an eBike gives a more strenuous workout because if he was after strain. He could blast to the woods, ride the trails and then ride home. What the eBike has done is allowed him to have more time out.
That is not a bad thing.
The motor element of an eBike is a crutch. Get to a big hill on an eBike and you can tell your legs haven't got it in them? You can rely on the pedal assist. Misjudge how much fuel you needed for your journey and you bonk several miles from home? You can rely on the pedal assist. Those two things happen to you on a traditional bike and your option is to get off your bike and walk or call up for rescue.
eBikes are fine and great tools for the people that need them. The sales figures back that up. It comes across like I think they're no good for exercise and that's not my intent. They're great if they help someone exercise more as the best type of exercise is the one you actually do.
It's just that I will never see them as good as exercise as a traditional bike powered by me as the engine.
But that's just me. A non important person on the internet with an opinion that shouldn't spoil your enjoyment of your eBikes.