E-mail address annoyance - WWYD

Whilst Gmail/email ignores the dots during sending/receiving, I'm pretty sure it won't allow [email protected] to be created if someone already registered [email protected].

I think it's more often the case people are misspelling names or just getting totally confused and think an email with their name will get to them.
Email works differently from sub domains, the dots in email are there for convenience to separate words without affecting the actual address. The same goes for upper and lower case.

[email protected]
[email protected]

Both go to the same place.
So fred@differentemail. com is not the same as [email protected]?

Also underscores are a valid character in Web addresses and hence mail addresses. I assume that these are not just ignored.
I don't believe other symbols that are allowed are ignored. Mine is firstname_surname and I think only once have I had someone else set an account up with it.
I never looked back once I'd went to having my own domain name..

I lucked in and have a free GSUITE account so effectively all email is managed via the GMAIL platform, but you can get similar for £1 a month from places like 1and1 (who will give you a free domain name as well).

I've got three of my own domains hosted on free GSUITE accounts (before they stopped them), plus one @gmail.com account. The gmail account keeps getting stuff sent to it by one utter moron in the US who keeps assuming my email account is his because that's his name too! I only now keep the @gmail.com going for legacy reasons.
this chap seems to be in Jersey and literally same name according to the paperwork that usually gets attached. Unless they have a consistent typo throughout.
I would say that if it keeps happening, repeatedly, and you've already told the person several times etc (and had a conversation), tell a company to change the address.

Not to yours (unless they live closeby) but just take one number away, so if they're number 30, send it to 29. Them email the guy and tell him you're going to take 1 off every time, so he's going to have to meet all his neighbours, slowly having to walk further and further, until he starts getting his email right.
My brother has {verycommonfirstname}{initial}@gmail.com and gets ridiculous amounts of other people's email. I know this because I have his Google calendar on my calendar and any events he gets invites for show up on my calendar.... Annoyingly enough, he can set them not to show when he declines, but I can't! I think they've only just fixed it.
I have <firstnamelastname> @gamil which I've had since the 2004 invites. I get emails all the time, folk taking their pets to the vets, a few recently for some DVD rental place in America with their rental receipts, someone who signed up for a gym which I had a bit of fun with by resetting the password and booking them into a load of classes with their on-file credit card, the emails soon stopped after that. The best one was for Netflix where I was able to reset the password and watch their Netflix myself for over a year before the payment got cancelled. :P
Maybe don't have firstname lastname if you have a common name.

Add something else to it.

Why should we, it's quite prestigious being able to have an easy to remember email address from a major email provider. Also abandoning it you're just leaving your self open to wider scams if you miss any emails going to it.
Why should we, it's quite prestigious being able to have an easy to remember email address from a major email provider. Also abandoning it you're just leaving your self open to wider scams if you miss any emails going to it.

"Oh wow, that guys email address is his name with no other numbers or letters!" said nobody ever. :p

I have [email protected] for my CV etc, but if my name was Sam Smith or something I'd add something else to it. MrSamSmith, SamSmith1980, etc.

It redirects to my main email address which is my firstname followed by 5 numbers. :p
I can put up with rogue emails meant for other people as long as there a few perks now and then like the Netflix I had. Which was a weird one as I expected it to cancelled pretty sharpish once they realised the password was changed.
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