E-Scooter discussion after fatal collision

12 Jul 2007
Hi all,

As per the title really, Emily Hartridge was killed when her electric scooter was hit by a lorry in Battersea on Friday morning - https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-48973968

I'd watched her youtube content for a few years and she's definitely had her ups and down with becoming a TV presenter to battling depression but her "10 reasons why..." videos were always a favourite of mine so I've left my favourite video below.

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It was only three days ago that she was tweeting in hopeful fashion about having children at some point :(

Yeah she'd recently sorted herself a decent boyfriend, got her depression issues under control, looked at starting a family etc. Such a shame!

He has a point though, the OP deliberately phrased his post to imply she was not the one at fault in the accident. So it bares pointing out the truth.

No I didn't, I stated what was on the BBC story so would you like to explain your remark?
Yeah np, the BBC say "A woman riding an electric scooter has been killed in a crash with a lorry in south London" but you stated "she was killed when her electric scooter was hit by a lorry", it changes the context to make it sound like it wasn't her fault.

Fair enough, the thought wasn't intenioned that way, just my way of speaking i.e to me she was hit by a lorry as opposed to somehow she ended up dead and a lorry was nearby but we can't say theres a link.
the e-scooters are one of those new-ish technologies (similar to drones were) that legislation is lagging behind massively.

I'm not sure it's the legislation thats lagging as it's clear "in law" that they're classed as motorised vehicles, but more likely it's the public knowledge that lagging i.e. people buying them don't know how the law treats these e-scooters. Sadly it takes an event like this to raise public awareness on their use and may hopefully prevent more e-scooter deaths in future.
I feel more people will move towards PEVs in the future. They're only crap in bad weather if you don't have clothes suitable for being in bad weather

Most non-enclosed transport is used as "good weather only" transport for the vast majority. When it's dark at 7am on a wintery 3'c morning filled with rain and mist most people will swap back to toasty warm cars rather than get "suitable" clothes, it's been like that with motorbikes/cyclists for years so I don't see e-scooter riders being any different.

Look at China and their bicycle madness .
You want that commie filth in London?
You make me sick.
It's people like you lot that make Britain the 3rd world, washed out, post empire, cesspit that it is.
When we finally Brexit I hope you lot are deported for treason and unpatriotic activity.

Can''t we change this to the 'eScooter Dissucion thread ' as it has nothing to do with the person mentioned in the title after the first page

As the OP I agree, it's become an e-scooter discussion so the title should be changed to reflect this.
As I originally created the thread to discuss the Death of Emily Hartridge, before a subsequent change made it into a general e-scooter thread*, I thought it worthwhile updating it after the Coroners verdict on her death was released -

Coroner said:
'Ms Hartridge was riding an electric scooter on Queenstown Road when she lost control after passing over an inspector hatch inthe cycle lane and was thrown under the path of an HGV.'

'She died instantly of injuries sustained by the HGV driving over her.'

'The scooter was being unsuitably driven, too fast and with an underinflated tyre and this caused the loss of control and her death.'

At least it was instant :(

*I wasn't happy (and I'm still not) about this but the forum users had decided to ignore the reason for the OP and concentrate on e-scooters instead so I reluctantly agreed to the title change.
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