E6700 or X6800?

12 Jun 2004
2x750Gb and E6700


2x500Gb and X6800

The X6800 setup works out at around £100 more expensive. If i overclock, which i may experiment with, i won't be going to the extreme as it'll be in a Shuttle.

Only a quick thread.
Neither, I'd go with the 6600 and save yourself either £150 or £440, to get a 6600 to 6700 or even 6800 speeds is a pretty modest overclock which is well within the chips capabilities (although that will also depend on your Shuttle but the jump to 6700 speeds is pretty minor). Then spend the money saved on the hard drives or whatever else is needed.

The 6700 and 6800 are where you hit the law of diminishing returns hard so I would only ever advise them if you have lots of money and/or will almost certainly never be overclocking. :)
Another vote for the E6600. 500gb drives seem to be the sweetspot atm if you look around. Why not go for E6600 + 3x500gb ? Need it only be 2?
Just realised i may have slapped this in the wrong part of the forum. :o Hmm. It has to be 2 HDDs and i really don't want to expand in to 3 due to cooling. That's why i wanted 2 huge HDDs.

Thanks for the advice, may well go for the E6600 and save a bit of money. :)
dmpoole said:
Hijack -

What good, cheapo motherboard would you choose for the E6600?

People like the Gigabyte DS3, clocks well and can be had for £70ish... if that's too much then the S3 is cheaper.
Thanks for the mobo suggestions however I never overclock and I never play games so onboard graphics would also suit me.

Any suggestions?
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