EA Game Face

1 Mar 2008
So my registration for the GameFace beta was accepted this morning. I tried it out with these pictures:



And EA seems to think I'm some sort of fish-eyed alien. :D


Anyone got a decent one?
your second pic from your first post is a dead ringer for a young david bowie
can you post up a vid of you singing 'starman'?
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your second pic from your first post is a dead ringer for a young david bowie
can you post up a vid of you singing 'starman'?

Lol, i looked at this thread while i happen to have hunky dory on the desk next to me, tis indeed surprisingly similar.
I'll be honest, I don't think that first pic is terribly far from being accurate.

Obviously it has exaggerated some features which does make it look a little freakish, but as a first go I think it shows promise.
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