EA To Redesign Lord of the Rings RTS For Xbox 360

Although made by EA i was under the impression that the team that make these games are in fact the old westwood crew (C&C series) who were just brought by EA

EA Publish it
Westwood (under EA name) Make it
Baine said:
Although made by EA i was under the impression that the team that make these games are in fact the old westwood crew (C&C series) who were just brought by EA

EA Publish it
Westwood (under EA name) Make it

Yeah but its still EA :p

The Xbox 360 version, designed in-house at EA Los Angeles, features what is being touted as a unique and intuitive control scheme by the studio's Vice President of Creative Development, Westwood co-founder Louis Castle
Just been reading about this, looks pretty interesting. If it's anything like the scenes in Kameo with those thousands of trolls, it should be a pretty damn good game.

Imagine if it's online multiplayer too!!! Just think of building up an army of over 1,000 trolls and letting them loose on your opponent!! :D
Bah, RTS. I want to see a remake of LOTR:ROTK for some proper 2 player co-op hack-em-up action :D actually imagine it four player co-op over live... that would be emense!
Never played that game tbh, the only LOTR game iv played is the 1st part of battle for middle earth which i had for the pc.
lordrobs said:
I was really impressed with it. My mate said it was like a modern day Golden Axe in the way it played :D

Cool now i loved golden axe i may have to look out for a copy of this then :)
The only console-based RTS that ever impressed me was Dune 2 on the Megadrive. It was simple enough that the lack of a mouse wasn't too much of a problem. Every console-based RTS since has left me frustrated with how much effort it is to do even the simplest of tasks.

Why would anyone with a PC want to play a RTS game on a console? Especially one from EA. :p
Now, RTS's are my favourite genre on the pc but how the hell do we play an rts without a ratter? I hope it has rat support that we've not heard about yet, and not some lame EA 'super control with a gamepad system' that turns out to be poor.
Just found 2 shots of the 360 version..



Its looking good:)
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