I presume we will be allowed to sell the ssd at a reasonable price on members market and not be done for profiteering?

It is the one thing I do not want in this bundle, but if I can sell it for a decent amount I may bite.
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YES I WANT IT, NOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

deleted real name - doesn't need to be displayed any more
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I presume we will be allowed to sell the ssd at a reasonable price on members market and not be done for profiteering?

It is the one thing I do not want in this bundle, but if I can sell it for a decent amount I may bite.

Anyone? Is this ok?
Looks like Gibbo caught many off-guard with this deal today, including me, I thought I was going to have to wait until Cyber Monday.

Can't believe there are still ~7 units left, with the deal over 2 hours old, I predict chaos when forum members at work today get their first chance to check here during their lunch break!
Looks like Gibbo caught many off-guard with this deal today, including me, I thought I was going to have to wait until Cyber Monday.

Can't believe there are still ~7 units left, with the deal over 2 hours old, I predict chaos when forum members at work today get their first chance to check here during their lunch break!

Plenty of warning was given in the Black Friday thread, no excuses, snooze you lose. :)

Those who miss it have a second chance on Monday at 9am to grab one at a slightly higher price that is still couple of hundred quid off.
If I hadn't spent all my pocket money on my daughter's build I'd be all over this.

Great that you're offering this to the community, I'll have to make sure I've got some spending money for next years even bigger Black Friday ;)
Is no one going to answer my question about selling the SSD on MM :(

I assume it would be ok but don't want to be told off and forced to flog it on ebay.
Unless you sell the SSD at a really cheap price then it would be profiteering which is a bit shady

It isn't really profiteering though is it. It is just reducing the cost of the bundle to myself and likewise will allow someone to get a the SSD on it's own at a great price (obviously I would sell it a decent bit below the shop's price)
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