Early mornings...

hehe, well done adam. I'm sat reading the london paper now on my way home and recognised your pic straight away...

next stop world domination :)
Colin_da_Killer said:
Yep, had to get up early to commute to college, lots of mornings have made it worth it, unfortunately no camera with me, but I did take a mental picture :)

I missed a cracking photo when I forgot my camera yesterday. I was on the bus and I saw a woman driving her car, smoking a cigar. The best bit is she looked like Moog. I was so disappointed that the ONE day I didn't have my camera phone, camera or DSLR with me, I saw that :(
ElDude said:
I missed a cracking photo when I forgot my camera yesterday. I was on the bus and I saw a woman driving her car, smoking a cigar. The best bit is she looked like Moog. I was so disappointed that the ONE day I didn't have my camera phone, camera or DSLR with me, I saw that :(
That's a shame - sounds like it would have made a great entry for the 'Candid' competition!

Lovely shot. First post on these forums so don't know if I am going to cross the line here - but I would have been tempted with that photo to tweak it a bit in photoshop (is that an evil word in here?) Just to bring out the goldeness of the building and maybe darken the sky to give it a bit of a 3D feel.

Wouldn't have the same impact as a true photo then I guess but would probably have a tad more impact :D (in my opinion)

Whilst writting this I thought I would have a little play (again not sure if I am crossing a line here!) and see what it looked like after a bit of fiddling - I hope you don't mind :rolleyes:


Maybe a bit too much red in sky.

Anyway - hello everyone! please don't shoot me if I did wrong :(
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