
18 Oct 2002
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Can anyone recommend me some good quality earplugs (not cheapo disposable ones) ? I'm getting annoyed with having ringing in my ears for a few days after going out :o

Is there anything specific I need to be looking out for when buying them? I rarely use the ones they give out free in clubs , can hear the music clearer and OK when speaking to people too , just want some I can keep and take with me - going to Drum n bass nights 1-3 times per week without them isn't doing my ears any favours :(
I can recommend Elacin ER20 earplugs. They're comfortable and lower the volume but you can still hear everything clearly. I also find it makes talking to people on the dancefloor much easier. A couple of weekends ago i was clubbing for over 14hours and suffered no ringing in my ears what-so-ever when i finally got some sleep.

Quite a few places stock them but google around to find the cheapest. They'll set you back roughly £12
cheets64 said:
im going to magaluf in 5 week

and some of the clubs blast out a stupid volume

Get some ear plugs !

I found it alright with out them for a bit, but for about 6 months I've been going to dnb nights 1-3 times a week, each time they seem to be ringing for longer after (especially on a Valve night!)

Don't want permanent damage to my hearing :o
if you want to protect your earing then get some good earplugs but also you need some good headphones on top, like these ones - 28db noise reduction rating - used in shooting ranges

ballistic said:
if you want to protect your earing then get some good earplugs but also you need some good headphones on top, like these ones - 28db noise reduction rating - used in shooting ranges

He'd look great at a d'n'b rave wearing them :D
ballistic said:
if you want to protect your earing then get some good earplugs but also you need some good headphones on top, like these ones - 28db noise reduction rating - used in shooting ranges


dont talk wet, you would never pull in those. :p
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