** Easter B Grade Clearance Sound Card Deals **

I always found just getting a USB amp or something like that to be a better investment than a sound card tbh.
I always found just getting a USB amp or something like that to be a better investment than a sound card tbh.

a DAC is a soundcard if you like and yes Good ones sound good but also come with a hefty pricetag. I don't think you'd find a USB DAC for 11.99 that would be worth its salt. (please correct me if I'm wrong and I will stock them)

USB is getting better but to quote an old guide i read a while ago by :-

I always will recommend for sound cards, anything you can afford is better than on board but NEVER use USB soundcards!!! USB stands for Universal Serial Bus; yes serial… are we in the 90’s? NO we use core i7 processors that can process a million times faster!! In a USB there are only 4 wires that are connected to the computer 1. Power (5 Volts), 2. Ground, 3. Data IN, 4. Data OUT. Data IN/OUT are sent serial, meaning one bit at a time, meaning very slow. Parallel communication is supremely faster than serial, and by using a USB soundcard you are actually giving your gaming opponents the advantage over you when it comes to using your hearing to strategize over each other! So lesson of USB is to always buy an internal sound card and use that rather than a USB soundcard.

Still I don't think anyone could scoff at the calibre of the deals in this thread the STX was excellent value for money as are the DG's even if they are vastly apart in terms of sound quality.
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