easyJet flight cancelled

9 Dec 2009
TLDR: easyJet cancelled while we were awaiting check in with no company representation or assistance for alternatives.

Full story:

I've experienced delays before but not a cancellation.

We arrived at Berlin airport at 8pm (by bus after our DB train had been cancelled) to check in for our 10pm flight back to Bristol, and as I looked at the departures board our flight status changed to cancelled.

There were no easyjet representatives at the airport.

Baggage drop was self service, and there was a swiss air employee helping people with the luggage labels.

People in the queue were saying that their easyjet app said the flight was still scheduled. Of course it was cancelled at this point, it said so on the board. People were just hoping.

The swiss air lady doing the baggage said that everything was fine and was helping people on my flight send away their luggage on the conveyor and into the abyss!

I held onto our luggage and we went round to a manned swiss air desk where a gaggle of fellow passengers had gathered, trying to find out if the flight was going or not. I knew it wasn't going, I just wanted some guidance on what to do next.

The swiss air person placed a box of leaflets on the desk and that was that as far as they were concerned.

It was an easyjet sheet of their policy on delays and cancellations. It instructed me to install the easyJet app, and from the manage bookings section I could look at alternative flights.

I did as instructed, but the flight was still showing as scheduled!
So there were a bunch of people waiting around for the app to update.

15 mins later it updated and there was a mad rush to book the earliest available flights. The best I could find was 6am the next morning from Berlin to Majorca, then a 5 hour wait and a flight to Bristol.

I booked a premier inn 2 miles away via booking.com and we got an Uber there.

Next morning we got our flight to Majorca, where easyJet staff were present. They got our Bristol flight moved forward to the next available flight so we weren't waiting around.

So, a 2 hour journey turned into a 15 hour journey. The thing that annoyed me was the fact that there was zero proactive help from easyJet (apart from at Palma airport where they were helpful). Things do go wrong, but I judge a company by how they try and help when things go wrong. easyJet did nothing at the point of cancellation. My partner is a nervous flier, but she was cool about the delay. If there were people with limited mobility or medical issues, or single nervous fliers, they would have been screwed.

With self service bag drop this is the future, no customer facing staff and no human help if things go wrong.

They've agreed to reimburse us for the additional expenses and I've submitted the compensation forms, but I'm still going to try and get back the money I paid for us to sit together on the original flights and the additional baggage allowance that I accidentally purchased in the mad race to book an alternative flight.

Rant over
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24 Oct 2002
Bucks and Edinburgh
The problem is the easyJet people you see at the airport, don’t actually work for easyJet, they work for a generic airport firm like Menzies, so they often have no more of a clue than you do of what’s going on. I feel your pain though as I flew easyJet for 10 years every week for business.

EasyJet used to be a lot better until Carolyn McCall left to be chief exec of ITV, then it’s slowly got worse from then on
5 Mar 2010
I don't think the issue of having staff present would bother me if the information they were providing was accurate and up-to-date. There's probably very little they'd be able to do anyway.

But yeah nothing more annoying than seeing it say cancelled on the board and elsewhere saying it's still scheduled to go ahead, that just causes confusion which leads to more frustration and anger.

I remember one time with the trains the board was showing the service I wanted as cancelled, so you could see crowds of people heading back to the front of the station to change journeys, ask for help, or make other arrangements. I had an open ticket so thought I'd just wait for the next train in a couple of hours. Lo and behold about 20 minutes later it had turned up and was letting passengers on.
9 Dec 2009
The problem is the easyJet people you see at the airport, don’t actually work for easyJet, they work for a generic airport firm like Menzies, so they often have no more of a clue than you do of what’s going on. I feel your pain though as I flew easyJet for 10 years every week for business.

EasyJet used to be a lot better until Carolyn McCall left to be chief exec of ITV, then it’s slowly got worse from then on

I didn't know that people badged up as easyJet staff worked for a generic company.

I used to quite like easyJet. This was our first budget European flight post covid and things certainly seemed less professional than before.

On our outbound flight, which did just about take off albeit with a delay, we were all waiting in the boarding area and waiting 30mins beyond the stated boarding time.

When we were finally allowed to actually board the plane, the pilot came on the intercom to hurry us, saying that if we are not seated quickly the flight will be cancelled. He did this several times and everyone was going as quickly as they could.

We were not the cause of the delay!

When the flight landed at Berlin, the pilot said get off the plane quickly because they have seven minutes to clean the plane for the plane to return to Bristol, otherwise the cabin crew won't get home and will have to spend the night in Berlin.

It wasn't our fault the plane landed late!



9 May 2005
You didn't say what the reason for the cancellation was? Depending on that, make sure you put in a compensation claim as per regulations.
9 Dec 2009
You didn't say what the reason for the cancellation was? Depending on that, make sure you put in a compensation claim as per regulations.

We Don't know what the reason was. The departures board simply said cancelled, and the email from easyJet which arrived some time later said 'your flight has been cancelled'.

I've submitted the request for compensation and under 'flight cancelled' on the easyJet website.
8 Dec 2008
Had this happen to me flying back to Bristol from Innsbruck. The flight was cancelled due to snow in Bristol of all things, given we were coming from the mountains!

Whilst everyone ran around panicking and joining the humongous EJ queue, I booked an alternative to LGW on the app and got a hire car back from London.

Submitted everything to EWJ online and they paid it within days.
18 Jan 2010
Isn't this quite a common thing since COVID? Most of the cheaper airlines (and some of the bigger) just don't have the staff anymore.
18 Apr 2020
rebooking your flight on the app sounds like a dream compared to waiting in a big long rebooking line to me.

Remember and see if you can get EU261 compo in addition to your hotel, meals, etc. easyJet aren't too bad to deal with.
15 Jan 2011
I rate them significantly over Ryanair but one pet peeve of mine is they love to start the boarding process 20-30 minutes before the plane is ready to board and have people standing on the air bridge in the cold (winter) or stifling heat (summer). Must be really rough for older folks.

I know they want to turn around quickly, but this seems like a false economy given the poor passenger experience.
22 Nov 2005
The problem is the easyJet people you see at the airport, don’t actually work for easyJet, they work for a generic airport firm like Menzies, so they often have no more of a clue than you do of what’s going on. I feel your pain though as I flew easyJet for 10 years every week for business.

EasyJet used to be a lot better until Carolyn McCall left to be chief exec of ITV, then it’s slowly got worse from then on
I was At Geneva waiting to a board an Easyjet flight to Newastle a few years ago.

A storm hits Geneva and the plane is diverted to Zurich.

The staff at the airport with the easyjet uniform at the boarding desk tell everyone the plane will refuel and come back here....

after about 45minutes, these 2 people quickly scurry away from their desk without a word.
then about 1 minute later the big screen shows the flight is cancelled.....

They obviously knew before we did... but bailed out rather than deal with finding everyone hotels etc like they are meant to.
it was about 10pm at night I think...

They tell you to go on the easyjet app, and you can claim a hotel and rebook the flight....

I decided to just get the train back to an apartment 3.5hours away....

I'm checking the easyjet every 10mins or so to be quick on rebooking a flight...

it takes over an hour before the options to rebook a flight and book a hotel comes up.

The easyjet app says there are no hotels it can offer and to find your own , I think up to 4 stars....
yea good luck finding a hotel at about 11pm on a weekend.

Easyjet didn;t schedule any extra flight, they only fly that route once a week.

the next flight was already full, so the only other option was a flight 2 weeks away, or fly to on another airline to a different airport in the UK...

they don't give a monkeys.... the only easyjet people at the airport were handing out printed pieces of paper in multiple languages explaining you have to use the app.....

I opted for a refund.

it took a couple of months to finally come through, but it did have the mandatory compensation for cancelling a flight, and they did pay for my train tickets which weren't cheap.
I think about 45GBP each way

BTW easyjet lied about why the flight was cancelled.

I can't remember the exact reason they claimed, but it was one of the reasons where they wouldn't have to pay compensation.
I chanced it and put in a claim anyway, the reason they told me the flight was cancelled on the claim as totally different to what they said at the airport listing
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