ebay problems !

thanks again guys.

I have contacted the person saying i'm going to withdraw from the auction and will send an message to ebay saying if i can get my listing fee back.

then re list it for next week. This time adding in huge bold letters UK bidders only.

how can i stop this happening again ??
Snow-Munki said:
This time adding in huge bold letters UK bidders only.

how can i stop this happening again ??

It wouldn't matter What you put in the auction listing they still bid. The only thing you can do is cancel bids for people who you feel are suspicious but then you could be removing a genuine bid.
The only way you will stop it happening for sure is not to list mobile phones on ebay. It's a shame but, these idiots are ruining ebay for honest people.
Pretty much given up on ebay. Cant see the point in it anymore. The scams are one thing, but the people running shops on there just take the cake.
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