Eclipse Evo 4

14 Jun 2005
Well migrated over from f2s to eclipse today,does anybody know if i have to wait another 10 days for my line to settle,as i already waited 10 days on f2s.My speeds are diabolical 1270kbps (158.8kb/sec download) upload is 364kbps (45.5kb/sec) which is what i expect upload should be,when i was on f2s i was pulling down 567 kb/sec.Should i contact customer support tomorrow or ride it out for 10 days.
I have only been with them for a day and they assured me i would be on the same speed as my previous isp,sales patter.
about 3 and half years. I'm going to give it another month, but if things don't improve then i will be leaving.

I've been on max for about 3 weeks now and the speeds are great at about 4am, but they go rapidly downhill after 9am and by peak times they are less than a 512k connection
I've been with them since October '03 and regraded on to Evolution Option 3 a couple of weeks ago (from Flex1000)

Speeds have been up and down on single threaded downloads but on USENET and BitTorrent I've been pulling 430KB/s on a 4000kbps line, just waiting for my BRAS to update now as I've gained another 1000kbps from changing some extension cables.

In the evenings I'm getting between 1mbps and 2mbps for http, I just got 1800kbps on the Giganews speed tester and on the NDO one ( it was:

Last Result:
Download Speed: 2242 kbps (280.3 KB/sec transfer rate)
Upload Speed: 371 kbps (46.4 KB/sec transfer rate)
Spudgun said:
the 1270kbs you are getting on eclipse is twice what i'm getting on their evo 4 product, so you should think yourself lucky!
Another Eclipse customer here. Activated about 3 weeks ago, same as yourself and still barely testing over 500kps.

Thing is, I never got 2meg speeds on 2meg either. Ever since I've been with Eclipse (last May) the speeds have been terrible.
Spudgun said:
about 3 and half years. I'm going to give it another month, but if things don't improve then i will be leaving.

I've been on max for about 3 weeks now and the speeds are great at about 4am, but they go rapidly downhill after 9am and by peak times they are less than a 512k connection

Snap :(

Trying to d/l windows updates earlier at < 5Kb/s is not funny :(
This morning before i went to work at 5.20am i was chuffed as i was hitting 557kb/sec and i thought to myself i have made the right decision but now i am pretty angry as my speeds are slug.
er, this is the one i was thinking of changing too, since we have eclipse 2mb already, it wouldnt cost anything. but the reports of low speeds are worrying, not to mention a 50gb/month peak time cap.
Another Evo4 customer here, my speeds are pretty consistant throughout the day, obviously they do drop at peak times but only as low as the 2mbit i had originally. Speedtest i did just now... Oh and this is my 4th day on max.

Download Speed: 6512 kbps (814 KB/sec transfer rate)
Upload Speed: 371 kbps (46.4 KB/sec transfer rate)
I'm an Evo 4 customer, no probs at all, can hit around 700-800k anytime of the day off usenet. Max off torrents have bas been about 400k. I've noticed some http download have gone slow, but not down to 5k, more around 100k.
I'd say what most people are experiencing is exchange contention.. The only way to know for sure is to log in to the BT speed tester when the connection is slow with the BT speed tester login and do another speed test from there.

If the results are roughly similar then it's exchange contention that's causing the slowdown and therefor down to BT. If the results are massively different then it's either Eclipse or a hardware, configuration, problem.

But this is what you get when you give people four times the speed without increasing the backhaul from the exchange - the VP's get more congested. Remember though that the speed that BT consideres a fault is the same for 2Mb as it is for 8Mb, i.e. 400kbps, which is dog slow, hence the original paragraph about the contention kicking in.

I'm an Evo 4 customer, and like Mook i can get fast speeds off of Usenet - not max all the time but 600K+ peak time and Max speeds off peak. Torrents on well seeded sites fly along at 600K+ too if they are big enough to last that long at that speed.
in the early hours of the morning (4am to 7am) my speeds are good on eclipse, but then after 9am they drop off pretty quickly to 512k levels where they stay until the early hours of the morning. If i login with the bt test login i get speeds of around the 4-6mbps mark, so whilst there is some contention at the exchange level, it is far, far, worse within eclipse's network.

To me it looks as if they have screwed up their traffic shaping and made the newgroups and p2p really quick and sacrificed http for some insane reason
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Spudgun said:
in the early hours of the morning (4am to 7am) my speeds are good on eclipse, but then after 9am they drop off pretty quickly to 512k levels where they stay until the early hours of the morning. If i login with the bt test login i get speeds of around the 4-6mbps mark, so whilst there is some contention at the exchange level, it is far, far, worse within eclipse's network.

To me it looks as if they have screwed up their traffic shaping and made the newgroups and p2p really quick and sacrificed http for some insance reason

What are you getting on at the moment?

Tonight seems to be particularly good for me, just got

Download Speed: 3969 kbps (496.1 KB/sec transfer rate)
Upload Speed: 371 kbps (46.4 KB/sec transfer rate)

Whereas other nights it can be as low as 1400.
Done just 60seconds ago...

Download Speed: 5383 kbps (672.9 KB/sec transfer rate)
Upload Speed: 372 kbps (46.5 KB/sec transfer rate)
Download Speed: 5928 kbps (741 KB/sec transfer rate)
Upload Speed: 365 kbps (45.6 KB/sec transfer rate)

Hpefully this isn't a one-off, as i've never had above 512k in an evening in the 3 weeks since max
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