Edit files on 2 different pc's at the same time?

14 Oct 2009
Ok basically i have a excel spreadsheet i need open on one pc and then i need it open on another pc.
Now if pc 1 edits the file is there any way that pc 2 can see the change straight away and not have to save file on pc 1 and upload then download to pc 2 and vice versa when pc 2 makes the change.
So is there any programs out there that do this?
Or you could get a network hard drive, that way you wont need the computer that holds the file to be on when you want to access it.
As above, or the cheap version... put a copy on 1 pc, and a Shortcut to it on the other, just as long as they are networked???
Using a shared folder means that they can be open and edited on each? with the changes on either side appearing on the other as its being typed?
They cant be networked as there in 2 different places in the country :/
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