Edit'a'thon! The Image Based Humour Game..

Ive devised a posting method. You shall post if you are going to edit the image, the first one to post saying they are editing will edit the image and then change their post to incorporate the image. Do not post an edit post while the image is during the edit phase.. you cannot queue here. Also do not make a new post for your image, just use your one that says your editing it.

From now on please... it just avoids those parallel edits like that.. we definitely want that dinosaur in! Great work! :p
Kazatan said:
someone should make a flash or gif file cycling through all the changes and who made them, with the theme tune to he-art attack ;)

you mean the gallery music? you dont know how long i scoured the internet looking for it!

trying all differnt search strings, it just comes up as "gallery music" now lol.
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