I think you need to reset your expectations in some respects,
To be frank, it's quite difficult to get pin-sharp shots where something like a dog is moving, it takes a lot of practice and I'm not sure a 60D would be up to it,
The second shot looks roughly in focus to me, but the IQ is very poor, possibly due to ISO 800, as high ISO in all but the best cameras tends to muddy the detail and make it look like a watercolour
The first shots it just looks like the camera hasn't locked focus, this takes practice and it takes exact knowledge of the camera, for example - before I used to go to go and photograph puffins in flight, i'd spent a few hours at the side of the road with a 300 F2.8 photographing cars going past at 60mph, and even with a 300 F2.8 and a 1DMkIII (sports body) it took a LOT of practise to get right... (I mean a lot)