Eek need toe surgery :(

Had both removed when I was about 16 I think due to being ingrown I think from poor cutting. The injections hurt like a son of a b and I might have squeezed my dads hand a little harder than expected! :p

Was quite some time ago so I don't remember much beyond wearing sandals and big bandages but no socks - luckily it was summer! :D
Had my thumb nail removed a few years ago when I went into hospital to also have a k-wire inserted into my thumb. Looked knarly :-/

I've had both my big toe nails off. 4 injections in each toe. The worst bit is about an hour after between the injections wearing off and the painkillers kicking in. It feels like bees are sitting stinging your toes over and over :D
i managed to salvage the nail on my left big toe, i just let the nail stretch out the skin a bit, then trim it down, took a few years but eventually the nail has grown back over the skin and looks normal again.

cant bear the thought of a surgeons' knife or a needle anywhere near my nails, hand or foot. C.R.A.Z.Y's picture above makes me shudder and cringe so hard.
I've done a few thousand of these over the years, generally a well tolerated and successful procedure although not pleasant for people with needle phobia.
Actually did it to myself after I dropped a table on my foot and badly damaged a big toe!
Worst part was coping with my back hurting me and my stomach getting in the way :D
I've done a few thousand of these over the years, generally a well tolerated and successful procedure although not pleasant for people with needle phobia.
Actually did it to myself after I dropped a table on my foot and badly damaged a big toe!
Worst part was coping with my back hurting me and my stomach getting in the way :D

Appropriate name is appropriate :D
I had my left big toe nail removed about 6 years ago out of choice. It was damaged from previous surgery to correct it ingrowing, but the surgeons must have done something wrong. It look gross and was so weak that I stubbed it off a couple of times over 10 years or so.

Anyway I went to the GP and he seemed relatively useless, and offered its removal but the waiting list was 6 months. Given past experience with toe-related surgery I went private and had it done within a week for £70. Was basically in the back room of some guys house but we was a qualified chiropodist etc.

Anyway in 6 years I've not had any problems and it's never grown back, either whole or parts, so happy!

It's fun to get out at parties, but it always comes up as most of my friends know. We were playing stupid drinking dares at a friend's 30th and someone made a girl suck it... :eek:
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